How to reinstall POI on a new GPS

Mar 4, 2008
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
Go Comfort
I had a XLS now a 330 XLS. Is there a easy way to transfer my old good POI to the new machine. Got problems of space, I copy everything in the machine, but ran out of space and also message MAP IS MISSING:eek: . SO there might be another way.
I had a XLS now a 330 XLS. Is there a easy way to transfer my old good POI to the new machine. Got problems of space, I copy everything in the machine, but ran out of space and also message MAP IS MISSING:eek: . SO there might be another way.

How did you try to get the map on the 330? If it was by copying from a backup made from the xls, it won't work. One map won't work in another unit, even if it were the same model, which yours isn't. The ONLY way to get a map on a unit is through Home's installation process. If your new 330 does not see its map that is supposed to be installed when you bought it, TAKE BACK the unit.

Once the map issue is resolved, you may have more success copying custom .ov2 (and associated .bmp) files from the map folder backed up from the old unit to the map folder on the new unit using Explorer.
Your old POIs will be inside the map folder. Use Windows Explorer to see them.

They come in pairs: an .ov2 file and a .bmp file. You must copy both of them.

So copy all of these pairs of POI files on to a folder on your hard drive. Then connect your new unit and transfer them into the map folder of the new unit.

These are really small files and take up very little space. You will have no problem with having enough room on your unit's memory.

dhn is right. You can't get the old map to work on the new unit, so don't try to transfer the map.
Yes I copy everything from the old backup usa_canada folder, but it also contain map, that is what it happen. I have to seperate map and POI-image before. I will take the unit back.
I had a XLS now a 330 XLS. Is there a easy way to transfer my old good POI to the new machine. Got problems of space, I copy everything in the machine, but ran out of space and also message MAP IS MISSING:eek: . SO there might be another way.

Not sure what you refer as ?old good POI?? If you refer to the 9x0 large POI.DAT and CRPOI.DAT files? AFAIK, the 330 does not have the SD card slot and if you refer to the files I suspect, there would not be sufficient space to fit those into the 1GB internal memory of your 330 as they are over 300MB.
Not sure what you refer as ?old good POI?? If you refer to the 9x0 large POI.DAT and CRPOI.DAT files? AFAIK, the 330 does not have the SD card slot and if you refer to the files I suspect, there would not be sufficient space to fit those into the 1GB internal memory of your 330 as they are over 300MB.

Old good, I mean the one I got before. It is now fixed, got another unit, a new map 7.25 and got all my POI back. Thanks to all.

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