How to fix rogue Traffic Report?

Jan 8, 2023
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/ch.png" alt="Switzerland" /> Switzerland
Hi all
For months, there's a rogue traffic incident shown at a highway exit near my home. This has the effect, that the tomtom never uses this exit as it thinks, it is blocked. I've already reported it on mapshare, my reports have even been 'accepted' but the rogue 'incident' is still there - is there any way to report that properly?
It's located at 8.575685 47.46153 and the marked 'road' is completely open, unblocked and usable and because it probably starts a bit too far to the south, it even blocks the last part of the highway exit when coming from south-east.

Only Tomtom can unblock this error if you report it on Map share the error should be fixed in the next updates.
It appears to have been removed now. Can't see anything on the coordinates you gave.
Well at least according to the online maps there's still a marker there, but at least when I calculate the route on mydrive it now lets me turn right after the motorway exit. However the blocked route straight on is still wrong; there's nothing that would block or prohibit that route, however it's not that bad anymore. I yet have to see if my device now also allows getting off there again...

Here's what I still see on mydrive, but the bright blue line is the route that now once again is allowed, but that block is still wrong.
Your coordinates were somewhere in Somalia. It is traditional to use latitude / longitude order. But once I got that switched...

I see what you mean. Though it is not a map problem, it is possible to report this in the MapShare reporter, and will no doubt get passed along to the appropriate folks in Traffic, and I've done so based upon your advice, but you can do the same:

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Yes, that's the junction and there are no restrictions going straight on or going left (of course to the second lane). I've already reported it on MapShare back then and it finally got 'accepted' after months with the result that apparently it now again allows at least turning right (which is the most important thing, thus at least allowing to exit the motorway), but there's still an unnecessary restriction going straight on or turning left...

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