Problem instaling QuickGPSfix and Problem with map

May 15, 2021
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/ba.png" alt="Bosnia And Herzegovina" /> Bosnia And Herzegovina
TomTom Model(s)
Carminat TomTom IA6220J05303

When I try to install QuickGPSfix I get "Cannot create folder D: /ephem/" I did an update earlier after which the display shows "Problem with map you cannot use this map on this device: Europe-101351"

Do you have any idea what I should do to solve this problem. Also earlier I was able to control the radio in the vehicle and read the information about the radio stations on the display from the navigation but after the update even that information is no longer visible.


Device information:
Carminat TomTom
I am not the right guy to help you but, do you have a TomTom folder on you computer and if Yes, do you have a sub folded called "ephem"?
If yes again post here what you see in that folder.
I am not the right guy to help you but, do you have a TomTom folder on you computer and if Yes, do you have a sub folded called "ephem"?
If yes again post here what you see in that folder.
Thank you for the reply, i don't have a tomtom folder on my computer or an ephem subfolder.
Bit of confusion here.
It's your device that has the 'ephem' folder on it, or certainly should have! I would hope, then, that it's your device that represents "D:".

Your PC, on the other hand, will have a folder called 'ephemeris' if you've ever downloaded a QuickGPSFix file before, which I'm sure you must have. That will show up on a recent Windows OS in C:\Users\{yourusername}\Documents\TomTomUpgrade\HOME\Download\complete\ephemeris

That said, the problem is that Home is unable to copy the new downloaded ephemeris (QuickFix) data from your PC to your Carminat device. That's not good.

With your device connected to your PC, try taking a look at it manually to see if you can spot the 'ephem' folder in the root directory. If so, dive into that folder and look for any files. I believe there are still 4 of them:
cbee.cbee, ee_meta.tlv, ee_meta.txt, ito.dat

If you can see those files, that means Home can as well, but there may be trouble writing these files to your device. Are the dates on those files, if you can see them, recent?

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