How to change from yards to miles.

Well, yards and miles are both the same kind of measurement.

What voices are offered on that model? Do you have a English_US choice?
So instead of it saying "After 800 yards take the exit", you want it to say "After half a mile take the exit" (a bit earlier)?

But when it says "After 100 yards take the exit" what would you want it to say then? "After 0.056818 of a mile...." :lol:

Sorry to be flippant, but what exactly don't you like at the moment? I'm intrigues!

TBH, there aren't a lot of options other than changing from imperial to metric measurements.
Andy -

The way it works here in the U.S. is that larger distances are announced in miles, and shorter ones in feet.

For example:

"After one quarter mile, turn right, Alameda Avenue", and
"After two hundred and fifty feet, turn right, Alameda Avenue".

Using the US English voice should accomplish this - if the OP can get hold of such a voice. The IP indicates the OP is in Australia.
Andy -

The way it works here in the U.S. is that larger distances are announced in miles, and shorter ones in feet.

Exactly the same in the UK, except it's miles and yards.

Which still leaves us both wondering what the OP would like to achieve when he says he want's to "change the voice from yards to miles?" :)
Dunno - don't know how they do it with the AUS models. Could be they announce considerable distances in yards. If so, switching to a non-AUS voice would change that (unless the AUS specific firmware does something different yet).

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