How do I install tts/computer voices on my G710?

Apr 14, 2007
Hi all,

I have a GO 710 loaded with the US_Canada version 8.0 mapset and Navcor 9. It works beautifully but I really would like to have the computer voice read the street names. I've tried downloading and installing several tts voices but am not sure which directory to install them to. Some folks advise installing to the ASR directory - others to the map directory, others to the Navcor directory and still others to the Loquendo directory. I've tried extracting them to each of these but still do not see an option for the tts voice in the " Change Voice" menu option of my TomTom.

Any help/ideas/advice would be greatly appreciated.


Considering you have an application not meant for your device, I'm not surprised you are running into issues with it? Is it presumptious of me to presume the map is legitimately obtained?
The x10 range only had one device that could employ TTS and that is the 910 with its 20GB hard drive, it needed this for the TTS files took up 4GB! I have had TTS running on a 710 but you need the files from the 910 and a large SD card, it also only works with a very old map coupled with an equally old Navcore not worth bothering with to be honest - Mike
Thanks for the replies

Thank you - both - for replying to my question. I did see that several folks did install computer voices on their go710 - but as you point out - it probably is not worth the trouble.

As I'm probably going to purchase another GPS to replace my 710 I will need to do some homework and research as to the best unit on the market and compare features.

Thanks again,


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