How do I delete a POI I created?

Dec 1, 2009
I just bought a TT GO 630 a few days ago. Playing around with it, I created 32 Favourites that I'll be regularly driving to. Then using POIEdit (following advice found in the Forum), I created a new POI category and copied all these Favourites to my new POI category. Playing further, I "selected" one of these new POI's. The TT attempted to "plan" the route (unsucessfully because I'm at the computer indoors!) and, now, I see that POI appearing as a 6th icon on the "Navigate to..."/ "Point of Interest" pane (the other 5 icons being: "POI near you", "POI in city", POI near home" , "POI along route" and "POI near destination". How do I remove this 6th one (that I mysteriously created) off there???
The 6th POI icon you are referring to is the most recent POI you selected. If you select another POI it will replace that 6th icon, which means you can't really remove the icon. The only way to change it is by selecting another POI. I hope this helps.
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Many thanks, Germerican. Glad to hear that it's supposed to work that way!

Your reply is much appreciated.

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