HOME file management

Jul 24, 2011
Ont., Canada
TomTom Model(s)
XXL 540M
I have windows 7. I noticed there is a tomtom HOME folder under My Documents. there is almost
10 gb of data in there. I would like to delete some of this but am wondering if it is ok. I already made
backups thru explorer myself and stored them in a partition set aside for data backups. there is four
folders under the HOME folder ..backup download FromDevice and Sharing. the FromDevice folder
contains a number of data.zip and data.toc files and another folder called XXL. in that folder it appears there is another backup of the device. there is nothing in the folder named Sharing. I'd like to pare down that 10 gigabytes so is it ok to delete most of these files, even tho all files under the HOME folder are system marked as read only.
If you are carefully maintaining your own full backup with Explorer, then you can safely delete the contents of the "Backup01" folder that is a level or two below "Backup"

In the "Download / temp" folder, there should be no content in "temp". If there is, you can nuke it. In the "Download / complete" folder, you can clear out a bunch of historical junk.
If you have those full backups using Explorer, you can safely delete the content of the folders below "complete" (e.g. ephemeris, poi, etc) including any subfolders. Just save the top level folders under "complete". However .. there's one folder I would always keep as a backup for my backup, and that's the most recent folder inside "map". We can get you out of just about any ditch you can get into (apart from broken hardware!) provided you always have a current copy of your map. So keep that as a 2nd backup.

You can clear the content out of the 'FromDevice" folder as well.
If you are carefully maintaining your own full backup with Explorer, then you can safely delete the contents of the "Backup01" folder that is a level or two below "Backup"

In the "Download / temp" folder, there should be no content in "temp". If there is, you can nuke it. In the "Download / complete" folder, you can clear out a bunch of historical junk.
If you have those full backups using Explorer, you can safely delete the content of the folders below "complete" (e.g. ephemeris, poi, etc) including any subfolders. Just save the top level folders under "complete". However .. there's one folder I would always keep as a backup for my backup, and that's the most recent folder inside "map". We can get you out of just about any ditch you can get into (apart from broken hardware!) provided you always have a current copy of your map. So keep that as a 2nd backup.

You can clear the content out of the 'FromDevice" folder as well.

that is great. thanks. I was able to reduce it down to 3.35 gb from 9.91 gb.

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