GO 740 - Adding my own POIs

Apr 30, 2009
Purchased the GO 740 today upon a friend's recommendation. Long story but I need to convert Outlook 2007 customer contact database to POIs. I was told TomTom allows for creation and customization of POIs from external sources.

So far I was able to export my Outlook database into an Excel worksheet with two headings: "Customer Name" and "Business Address". I was told to then use a geocode to convert the addresses to longitude and latitude data. I tried this, but no success. My address column includes street, state, and zip. I think I may need a separate column for zip in order for geocode to distinguish the proper address? The problem is that I have over 5000 customers listed and I would need to move the zip codes manually (I think). Since I know nothing about geocode, this is purely a guess on my part.

My other problem is I have no clue how to create a custom POI file in TomTom? I would like to name the POI grouping "Customers" or something like that.

As anyone ever tackled a similar issue? I'd really appreciate any help you can offer.

Manage pois-->Add poi category-->Type in the name of the category.

Then, when you want to add a poi to the category: Manage pois-->Add poi-->select category.
My other problem is I have no clue how to create a custom POI file in TomTom? I would like to name the POI grouping "Customers" or something like that.

As anyone ever tackled a similar issue? I'd really appreciate any help you can offer.


Tomtom uses the .ov2 file format for its POIs. While I've never attempted external POI inputs, others on this forum seem to have success with an app called "POIedit" to do the file conversions. Search the forum or google for it and see if it meets your needs.

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