Have preferences set for 'keep screen on always'. (battery saving preferences) turn off when external power lost? NO. Yet this GO 730 turns off after a few minutes of no touching the screen. Keep the touchscreen alive, touch frequently, no problems. Long stretch of road and while driving, its annoying to reboot just to see where the next turn is. What am I missing that will keep these 730's on and running, forever, with the 5volt wire charging them constantly, the green light lit, the boot up complete..., Satellites found, road and turns on the screen, after a few minutes a warning appears, (very short warning) saying 'do you really want to shutdown?, then all is dark quicker than one can touch "NO". Requiring yet another reboot. reset tried.
5.3 volts on the usb connection for power. Settings i've missed somewhere.? Make 'No' the default answer? Avoid the shutdown now question? change the timer length from minutes to hours? Keep the screen alive with a workaround. DhN, do you know what's going on here?. Longtime member, daveyjane in pennsylvania. usa
5.3 volts on the usb connection for power. Settings i've missed somewhere.? Make 'No' the default answer? Avoid the shutdown now question? change the timer length from minutes to hours? Keep the screen alive with a workaround. DhN, do you know what's going on here?. Longtime member, daveyjane in pennsylvania. usa