Go 720 various preferences not saved?

Oct 23, 2009
TomTom Model(s)
720 go
I've noticed 3 settings that refuse to stick, the music player will not stick as a quick menu item, the "automatically switch to driving view" & "show music button in driving view" refuse to stay unchecked. Also I've never seen a "music button" in the driving mode? Any ideas? Thanks...

PS I've tried clearing the flash mem to no effect :(
How about trying to do a pin rest on your unit?

First scandisk found some errors which ay have been messing things up and second I'm dumb (not as dumb as tomtom but..) The "show music button in driving view" actually means "show jukebox in quick menu". Of course saying that would have made way to much sense.

So anyone know of a hack to do what I was hoping that would do, Add basic music controls to the bar at the bottom of the gps screen? Even adding a next button would be great! I count FIVE taps min to get from gps to next the song and back to gps ridiculous..
First scandisk found some errors which ay have been messing things up and second I'm dumb (not as dumb as tomtom but..) The "show music button in driving view" actually means "show jukebox in quick menu". Of course saying that would have made way to much sense.

So anyone know of a hack to do what I was hoping that would do, Add basic music controls to the bar at the bottom of the gps screen? Even adding a next button would be great! I count FIVE taps min to get from gps to next the song and back to gps ridiculous..

I don't know of any shortcuts, but if you get a Tomtom remote there are next-song and prior-song buttons on the remote. The onscreen music interface is really inconvenient, I always use the remote instead.

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