
Apr 6, 2007
:mad: Ok so I have had my TT 510 now for a month or two. Since than had to do a soft reset or two. Plus the new maps were so way off I went back to the old maps. So I went on a long trip Friday worked great, another trip sunday worked great. Now this morning I turn my car on and it didnt power up(yes I have it plugged in the car lighter) So I turn it on manually and it boots up but no signal for awhile, than I get a signal and it's in Night mode wont come out of night mode! So I turn it off powers down and turns itself back on like its in a loop. The TT hands display and music when it boots up and a download bar on the bottom than it asks if "I Agree" mode. It just keeps looping once turned off kicks itself back on. I tried a soft reset and nothing!
Oh and also it showed my battery is low it's flashing, how can that be when I keep it plugged in and not run it off the battery!
Ok so I called TT Im at work so I cant hook it up here everything is at home. I'll hook it up and see if anything resolves when I get home, BUT I mentioned the battery thing and if someone can clear this up for me... He said that when hooked to the car cig lighter its giving it power from the car but that does not charge the battery in the TT. I told him I have seen it say charging when its plugged into the lighter and he says it shows it but it doesnt the only way to charge the battery is on the home dock. So I said if its fully charged and I leave it in the car plugged in the lighter why is the battery going dead and he said over time it will. Anyone:confused:
Did you use the tweak to make your TomTom to turn off/on with the car ignition switch ? If yes, get rid of it.
No I did not, I didn't do anything to my TT just using it as factory set.
I really like to know if having it hooked to the car lighter charges the battery or not also , not sure if this tech guy at TT knows what he is talking about or not.
I get a signal and it's in Night mode wont come out of night mode!!
Connect your unit to HOME and turn on virtual TomTom. Make sure it's on Day mode and not night!
Gemini061270 said:
So I turn it off powers down and turns itself back on like its in a loop.
If you have your car charge plugged in and you turn off your unit, it turns back on because your charge is still plugged in.
Connect your unit to HOME and turn on virtual TomTom. Make sure it's on Day mode and not night!

If you have your car charge plugged in and you turn off your unit, it turns back on because your charge is still plugged in.

It was in day mode but showing night time color on the screen. Plus It was turning itself back on once shut off with out being on the mount and hooked to the car. But im not sure about that theory because I have shut it off before while still hooked up on the mount and cig lighter going to it and it stays off, but this time its all screwed up.And what about the battery part anyone have 2 cents on that part?
i only ever charge my 910 in my car or works van never on home dock
& have no trouble with it going flat
hope this helps
i only ever charge my 910 in my car or works van never on home dock
& have no trouble with it going flat
hope this helps

Thank you just as I thought, yea it helps me in knowing that Tech's at TT are not all on the same page or know what they are talking about. I had to do a Hard reset last night and seems ok so far but this is the second time doing that and have done soft resets too. This is just getting out of hand. Hmmm Garmin is sounding good right about now. But im sure they all have there problems.
Not to dispute TT support but my unit, like the previous users, is always in the car. I never have any trouble with it going dead unless I forget to turn on the 12 v dc current, mine is hooked up to a switch. If this happens I just flip the micro switch, the current comes on and the unit must be charging because it will have full power in a couple of hours. There are several things which cause the night display to be on. Follow this link for one possibility:
Ok so I charged my battery at home, did a hard reset everything was fine for 1 day!!!! Left it in my car on the window adapter with the cig lighter hooked up overnight but the car was off. Came out this morning and started the car and Nothing wouldnt turn the TT on . Powered on by pushing the button and now the battery is completed dead its showing and now stuck in night mode once again.
How long have you had your unit?
It sounds like it might be your mount. The mount is the key to power and switching to day and night mode.
Pedro I had the unit 2 months everything was working great until I upgraded to Map V.665 it was just way off course. So than I reverted back to V.650 but with the new firmware 6.525. So now im on phone today with tech support once again for half hour just hoping they say send it in but no he is saying maybe the firmware 6.525 is messing it up when using it with the old map but I told him the newer map is way off. Tells me im at my work place 1.5 miles before I get there. And my home to go past my home 300 yards to reach my house. So I told him this and he has the nerve to say , "Well if you know how to get home from your work why are you using it" It's used to get you in the vicenity of a place not exactly door to door is it going to be exact. So I told him the old map is right on the money as in door to door. So Now I am back to map v.650 & firmware V. 6.524 and tomorrow I will see what happens. But I cant see that being the problem for it not shutting off and turning it self on looping and the battery keep going dead and the night mode on but maybe it is heck I dunno anymore. Just really pisses me off this new map is so screwed up and way off course for me. I wouldnt want to chance using it to go somewhere I never been.
Sorry to hear about your frustration.
I know how you feel. My unit was giving major problems. I sent it to tomtom for repair. They issued me an RMA#. I just don't know how long it will take for it to be fixed.
Yeah I feel for your frustration. I cant believe support would tell you that sort of remark, its your device you can use it whereever you want. I use it to navigate home from destinations I'm familiar with just because I want to.

Can you push for sending it in?
Ok so I let it sit over night in the car hooked up to the mount with the cord plugged in but not on and came out this morning and it turned on with the car and held a battery charge. So far so good. I guess using the old map with the newer firmware was screwing it up.
The mount is kind of funky and sometime mine is not properly seated and was not charging. I have to make sure it clicks first. Also some cars cig lighter only power up when the key is on like my Subaru.

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