Favorites lost

Feb 2, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
:mad: Just updated my Tom Tom One. It has wiped all my favourites :rant:

Tried to "restore" but nothing in there either :rant:

Any ideas??
Do you have a backup of your unit? If so, how did you make it?

In any backup you might have (either manual or Home created) you will find, in your map folder, a file called mapsettings.cfg. That contains your favorite information from whatever point in time of the backup. Copying that backup version (should you have one) to your map folder will restore your favorites, along with some outdated recent history, etc.
If the update included a new map version the mapsettings.dat file gets replaced..
Should the solution above (copy the file from a backup) not work - the format of mapsettings.dat can (and has) changed between some map versions. If this is why your Favorites have disappeared, the solution (probably, I've not checked) can be found in the FAQs/Support areas.
My personal solution is to create a new POI category and store my favourites there, along with an icon. These two files can then be copied into any new map folder. The names The only ruled about naming these two files are that the POI's extension/type is .ov2 and its associated icon's extension/type is ..bmp. Obviously, using the same name as any existing POI will replace the original(s).
The mapsettings.dat file also contains other bits of information which can be lost between map versions, but only the loss of Recent Destinations is (generally) noticeable.
Should the solution above (copy the file from a backup) not work - the format of mapsettings.dat can (and has) changed between some map versions. If this is why your Favorites have disappeared, the solution (probably, I've not checked) can be found in the FAQs/Support areas.

An incompatible mapsettings.cfg file can sometimes cause the device to endlessly be-boot on startup. The "fix" for that problem is to start the on-screen emulator in Home ("Operate my Go" etc.) and to create a new Favourite while in the emulator.

My personal solution is to create a new POI category and store my favourites there, along with an icon. These two files can then be copied into any new map folder. The names The only ruled about naming these two files are that the POI's extension/type is .ov2 and its associated icon's extension/type is ..bmp.

A good trick is to put an underscore character at the front of the name of the POI files (such as "_Favourites.ov2" (and .bmp)).
That will put it aat the top of the alphabetical list of POIs, so it's easy and quick to find.

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