favorites being reset. GPS Navigator 4

Apr 28, 2007
I hope someone can help me because this is very annoying...

My palm(T3) resets or drains the battery every so often, and I lose my add ons such as tomtom navigator. the problem is my favorites come back when i
resync but it's from what i had as favorites 2 years ago. i know i've resync since then what do i have to do to swap what i have in my favorites currently to be brought back next time i need to resync????


thanks for any insights or help!!!!
Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8700/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/-1)

kowsrtrust said:
I hope someone can help me because this is very annoying...

My palm(T3) resets or drains the battery every so often, and I lose my add ons such as tomtom navigator. the problem is my favorites come back when i
resync but it's from what i had as favorites 2 years ago. i know i've resync since then what do i have to do to swap what i have in my favorites currently to be brought back next time i need to resync????


thanks for any insights or help!!!!

I don't know if Navigator 4 saves the favorites they same way the TT1 does but in your map directory look for a *.cfg file. For me mine is called MapSettings.cfg, this file contains my favourites. You can look at the file and see the modified date, that should tell you if its the latest of your favorites.

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