
I don't remember but if you make new POI file and put your Favourites in there you will be able to display that under My Places at MyDrive Web.
If you now plan a route to one of those you should be able to save that destination to My Places on the 620 which is the same as Favorites on the 720. Cancel the route and plan the next one and do the same and everything will be done in a relatively short time. Instead of doing them all at once you could do that as you go there as there may be a few destinations that have fallen by the way side.

Let's wait until candersonhad a chance to read this thread as he may be correcting some of the information.
Take the mapsettings.cfg file from the North American map folder on the 720 into a POI editor (like POIEdit) for TomTom, and clean up the mess. mapsettings.cfg has more than POI in it, but if you clear out the fluff, you'll have your favorites there. Save it as a TomTom *.ov2 file when done. I like to use the name _Favorites.ov2 since the underscore causes that entry to remain at the top of the list on the 620.

Then, using TomTom's MyDrive Web cloud service, you can move that *.ov2 file to your new 620.

If you have having difficulties with converting your mapsettings.cfg file to an *.ov2, let me know, and perhaps we can get that done off-line for you here.
Take the mapsettings.cfg file from the North American map folder on the 720 into a POI editor (like POIEdit) for TomTom, and clean up the mess. mapsettings.cfg has more than POI in it, but if you clear out the fluff, you'll have your favorites there. Save it as a TomTom *.ov2 file when done. I like to use the name _Favorites.ov2 since the underscore causes that entry to remain at the top of the list on the 620.

Then, using TomTom's MyDrive Web cloud service, you can move that *.ov2 file to your new 620.

If you have having difficulties with converting your mapsettings.cfg file to an *.ov2, let me know, and perhaps we can get that done off-line for you here.

Thank You so much for the info. When it arrives I will give it a try.
Let us know how you get on.
Using the cloud interface for the first time isn't exactly an intuitive experience.
Also, there's a second reason we are recommending that you keep your favorites in the _favorites.ov2 file -- if you don't, you will find that your MyPlaces on your new 620 will get cluttered pretty quickly. Instead, you'll have a nice tidy POI file with all of them in that.
Let us know how you get on.
Using the cloud interface for the first time isn't exactly an intuitive experience.
Also, there's a second reason we are recommending that you keep your favorites in the _favorites.ov2 file -- if you don't, you will find that your MyPlaces on your new 620 will get cluttered pretty quickly. Instead, you'll have a nice tidy POI file with all of them in that.

I will surely let you know how I make out. It will be interesting and a learning experience. But, you all will be my back up team. Thank You
If you don't already have a copy of POIEdit, you can get one here >> http://www.poiedit.com/downloads.htm
As I say, the mapsettings.cfg file has a lot of other stuff in it (recent destinations and some device settings), but it can be successfully opened and cleaned out.

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