Disappearing Maps file and .tlv file

May 7, 2009
Hertfordshire UK
TomTom Model(s)
GO 940
Hello all

After installing a new map on my GO 940, my existing North America map suddenly disappeared. I checked the 940's file contents, and fount the the North_America.tlv file was missing from the "maps" folder. The North America file itself was still present in the main file list, along with all it's contents. I had backed up after installing the new map and could not access the missing .tlv file from back up

I'm guessing that the .tlv file is vital for the North America map to be "seen" and accessed. TomTome when questioned confirmed the missing file needs to be replaced and want me to sent it in for re-installation.

If I could access the .tlv file form someone or somewhere that would save me losing the device for god knows how long ....a problem as I use it daily for work!

So if anyone can help, firstly on whether or not the missing .tlv file is the problem, and secondly of someone could forward it too me, that would be really helpful and much appreciated.

Hi Kiwi. Not sure how different 940 is to my 720 but I have found that I don't need the "mapname.tlv" files in the map folder. In the past I have installed Nth America map and UK not using Home without a tlv and they work fine. Well at least they're there and visible and run demo etc. I do have mapname.tlv for NZ and Australia. So as an experiment I deleted the map folder and the TT still finds the maps OK. Even if you have the same map on the internal drive as well as an SD card it still finds multiple copies.
Did you backup before installing new map. If so try copying North America folder and contents from backup to TT. What happens if you delete your new map. does Nth America come back. Sorry not much further help.
PS. are you expat NZer.

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