.csv to .ov2 issues (POIedit)

Dec 26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario CANADA
TomTom Model(s)
One XL

I have found several .csv files I want o to convert for use on my TomTom.
However I keep getting errors in POIedit when I try to Batch COnvert them.

Errors like "invalid float point" & "name in cell" is invalid or somethign to that effect when I try diffent csv types.

They all have 4 colums (lat/long/name/address&phone)
I want to have all used (since I want to be able to call & see actual address, not jsut whats on my display.

These are teh files I'm trying

http://www.odsc.on.ca/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=7645 (several vsv files in one zip)

Please help, thanks.
I gave up and downloaded the conversion software from the TomTom site. Works much better PLUS it puts in the additional "01" records which makes lookups faster. It understands the extended "03" records although the TomTom does not do anything with the additional field.

Go here to get the files. Windows only.
There is another tool that I use, but is not free (it use to be though), called POIVerifier. It's a great program and I use it to convert the .csv files that can't be converted by POIEdit.
All I want is to figure out HOW TT add details into their POIs. I'm making a new POI for CNG, Compressed Natural Gas, station and want to put in Stations pressures, hours of operation and other such items.

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