Calculated time wrong

Dec 21, 2007
Iowa, USA
TomTom Model(s)
I have noticed especially when I am under an hour from destination that the calculated time is wrong. Such as I am 20 miles from my destination on the highway. THis should take me roughly 20 - 25 minutes but the TomTom calculation is 45 minutes. Is there a setting that needs to be changed?
TT's ETAs are notoriously overstated. Often a reflection of what TT 'thinks' the speed limit is of the roads it has selected for your route. As you actually drive, you find the ETA coming down.

Presumably, v8 maps and N8 software allow for IQ routing, which is supposed to contain 'real world' stats for what users do actually drive roads. Implies that ETA's will be more precise.
Implies that ETA's will be more precise.

My 720 turns one year old this week, and in that period of time, have logged nearly 125,000 miles.

I'm finding the actual arrival times to be within minutes of 720's screen.

90% of my [multible] weekly runs are between 600-1,500 miles.

I confidently can tell a reciever almost [down to the minute] exactly what time i'll hit their dock.
Adds an element of professionalism to a commercial driver.

My 720 turns one year old this week, and in that period of time, have logged nearly 125,000 miles.

I'm finding the actual arrival times to be within minutes of 720's screen.

90% of my [multible] weekly runs are between 600-1,500 miles.

I confidently can tell a reciever almost [down to the minute] exactly what time i'll hit their dock.
Adds an element of professionalism to a commercial driver.

My arrival times are pretty damn close as well. My friends wonder how the heck I could tell them I'll be there in 47 min, and get there in 45.. They are like "uhh....:confused: "
I noticed for the first time today that Dave would say "your new arrival time is "what ever" and there are no faster routes". This was cool even though he stuttered sometimes LOL
I noticed for the first time today that Dave would say "your new arrival time is "what ever" and there are no faster routes". This was cool even though he stuttered sometimes LOL

I've just noticed that myself. When Dave says"there are no faster routes"

Dunno if that's IQ2 ?? or just a new firmware upgrade
It's a function of firmware 8.3. IQ2 is only on map 8.15 and I have 8.10.

My beloved Susie says it, too! :)
It's a function of firmware 8.3 . IQ2 is only on map 8.15 and I have 8.10.

My beloved Susie says it, too! :)

Thanks...... I didn't know.


Ya see ?? .....that's why I stop by, and pickup sum of me smarts :)

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