Big problem PLEASE help!

Jun 4, 2008
Chester, WV
TomTom Model(s)
Ok so I just received my 930T today and I downloaded the new North America map for free. After everything was done I took the device out of the dock and now it says it has no maps. I tried installing the map off the computer but no luck. I went to the directory with the .zip file and it says it is not valid. I have no idea what to do! Please help!
Ok well I am trying something right now. I deleted all the files from the map folder off my hard drive and I am downloading it again so hopefully this will solve my problem. I will post an update when done. I really hope this works!
Ok well I am trying something right now. I deleted all the files from the map folder off my hard drive and I am downloading it again so hopefully this will solve my problem. I will post an update when done. I really hope this works!

I suspect you took the unit out of the dock incorrectly. You MUST use the Home menu option for Device-->Disconnect. Then you MUST wait till AFTER you see the message that it is safe to remove the unit. Still do not do it. You have to see the screen on the unit showing a progress bar writing to the internal memory of the computer.
I suspect you took the unit out of the dock incorrectly. You MUST use the Home menu option for Device-->Disconnect. Then you MUST wait till AFTER you see the message that it is safe to remove the unit. Still do not do it. You have to see the screen on the unit showing a progress bar writing to the internal memory of the computer.

Ok thanks, I will do that after it is done downloading and installing. Thanks for your reply!

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