Adding POIs to Start 25

Sep 25, 2011
I'm currently using a Tom Tom One which I can update the POIs by connecting it to my Linux computer as a mass storage device and copying the necessary files over.

I'm thinking about buying a Start 25 and was wondering if it is still possible to update the POIs this way or do I need to use Windows or Mac software?
No. Your new Start cannot be accessed as a hard drive. But you can load your own sets of POI on it by using the MyTomTom application. Of course, you'll need a Windows or Mac PC (or an emulator for your Linux box) to do any of this now.

On a Windows box, in the lower right in the systray, you'll find the TomTom icon when your unit is connected. Click on "Add Community Content". That gives you access to the system - as much as you're going to get, anyway.

You can upload *.ov2 and matching *.bmp files using that utility to place your custom POI files on your unit. Be sure you've got the most recent firmware and MyTomTom application if you don't see what I'm describing. I believe that feature is universally available for Nav10 units now.
Guess I won't be buying a Start 25 then as I don't have or want access to Windows and the software doesn't work with WINE.
Guess I won't be buying a Start 25 then as I don't have or want access to Windows and the software doesn't work with WINE.
Yes, it's a big hole right now. The older platforms were a lot easier for the user (and for us) to deal with in many ways - much more open architecture. Most of us are not fans of the 'new' arrangement.

That said, are you able to find any of the previous platform models for sale there? Is the XXL IQRoutes Europe still available? It's a solid performer, and can still be accessed by the means to which you have been accustomed on your older unit.

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