Via53 Qr code not focusing.

Jan 23, 2019
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Start50 Via53
Trying to connect my Sony Xperia G3121 to new Via53. Qr code shows out of focus on phone and does not read,
No experience with the Xperia, but you might want to see if it will focus on anything when in the mode you are using to scan the QR code. If it is a focus issue with the Xperia, not sure what to tell you.
Since it's an Android phone, one thing I could recommend is use of a program called Barcode Scanner. I use it for many things, and its autofocus firmware seems to drive my Galaxy S8 very well.
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No experience with the Xperia, but you might want to see if it will focus on anything when in the mode you are using to scan the QR code. If it is a focus issue with the Xperia, not sure what to tell you.
Since it's an Android phone, one thing I could recommend is use of a program called Barcode Scanner. I use it for many things, and its autofocus firmware seems to drive my Galaxy S8 very well.
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Thankyou for advice but I have the app you linked on my phone. Going to try and copy and print Qr code to see if will read
I used to have QR reader on my Samsung but it didn'yt do much.

I finally found that even if it looks blurry and is only partially within the frame lines it scans perfectly providing
the device has been deleted from the phone before scanning.

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