VIA 1535 and GO 2535M Live: Same screen size / dimensions?

Nov 7, 2007
I just purchased a GO 2535M Live and have been looking for screen protectors for it.

I've found some for the VIA 1535. Does the VIA 1535 have the same screen size / dimensions as the GO 2535M Live's screen?
Yep, 5" diagonal.

But I don't think a screen protector might be a good idea for that type of screen
dhn - if you are worried about using a screen protector on the capacitive (GO2535) vs resistive (VIA1535), don't worry. While the protector will modify the capacitance effect (by becoming a capacitor itself), the touchscreen will still function.
Think iPhone.

I'm only going from pictures, but to me the Go2535 looks very similar to a Go1005.
On the Go1005, although the active screen has square corners, it's behind flat glass that extends all the way to the edges of the device and that does have quite rounded corners..(only just visible in the pic. below)
I'd have thought a screen protector would cover the whole glass face?

The active screen diagonal is 5" but the glass extends to about 5.8"


I don't have a Via, but from the pics on the TomTom website it looks like it has a traditional type of screen with a raised bezel around it?
and that has very slightly rounded corners, but not as much as they are on the Go.

It looks like that might be exactly 5" corner to corner

The protectors are designed only to cover the exposed area of the glass. In fact, removing the bezel and inserting anything UNDER the bezel (between bezel and glass) is probably a non-starter .. likely to start seeing the 'phantom button press' issue.

The Via model the OP asks about has a very slight radius in the bezel corners, but the radius on these corners is quite tight. The whole 14XX and 15XX Via line here in the U.S. uses the same bezel style, as does the GO 1535 sitting in front of me. I'm not sure I'd trust the 'gallery' photos on the site. The radius that you are seeing there is certainly exaggerated for some reason.

Complete coverage to precisely the bezel edges in the corners isn't really necessary anyway since there no hot zones in the last couple of mm that would require protection. Worst case, a 1535 user could snip a 1.5mm diagonal off each corner of a truly square and tight fitting protector before installation. Not a problem for the OP since he's got the 2535.
... Complete coverage to precisely the bezel edges in the corners isn't really necessary anyway since there no hot zones in the last couple of mm that would require protection. ...
IsLNdbOi may have different priorities, but if I were buying a screen protector for the GO 2535, I'd actually want the protector to go all the way to the edge of the glass on each side, purely for aesthetic considerations, not just to the edge of the active area.

Maybe he only wants the screen protector to reduce the reflections, by adding a matte effect. I think I've cured that issue simply by changing the orientation so that I can see my own eyes reflected in the screen before turning it on. In that way, the light gets reflected out the other side, if that makes sense. I think I got the idea from a tip by mvl, and it seems to work for me (this does not work at all with the older, resistive screens).
.. if I were buying a screen protector for the GO 2535, I'd actually want the protector to go all the way to the edge of the glass on each side, purely for aesthetic considerations, not just to the edge of the active area.
A properly cut protector will go pretty close to the side and top/bottom edges, but since we have no idea what protector he's looking at nor the tolerances used for the die cut, there's no way to know whether that will be the case. With a well cut 1535 protector, the only uncovered bit on the 2535 would be in the area of a 1.5mm radius in the very corners, at worst.

Frankly - I gave up on the pre-cut stuff entirely and cut my own from the slightly larger 'universal' sheets of Zagg material. I'm not crazy about the slightly sticky touch of the Zagg when panning, but it's better than other materials in all other respects. Many of the other films I have tried have a tendency to scratch/scuff fairly easily, and serve then to just make the thing even harder to see.

You're right that orientation is key on these units no matter what type of matte protector is used. There can be times where even a light colored shirt will reflect so much light onto a low mounted unit (below the dash) that you still can't read the screen very well.
I went with BoxWave ClearTouch Anti-Glares for the VIA 1535. I've been using BoxWave and Clarivue screen protectors for most of my devices. Clarivue doesn't seem to have any for the VIA 1535 or GO 2535M Live and BoxWave has them only for the VIA 1535.
Just be sure to use care when pressing out any bubbles after application. Those plastic tools they supply are quite capable of scratching the protector. The cloth that comes with the kit may take longer, but you'll do less damage. The scratches sometimes don't show up until you get light on it at the right angle, and then you discover how many fine ones you created while sweeping out the bubbles.
.. if I were buying a screen protector for the GO 2535, I'd actually want the protector to go all the way to the edge of the glass on each side, purely for aesthetic considerations, not just to the edge of the active area.

Exactly. That's what I was tying to say

With a well cut 1535 protector, the only uncovered bit on the 2535 would be in the area of a 1.5mm radius in the very corners, at worst.

Unless I've got my model numbers and descriptions wrong again, I think we may have to agree to disagree here....

I've got a 4.3" screen NAV2 model (XL LIVE IQ) and a 4.3" screen NAV3 model (GO1000) in front of me. I think the screen surround on the XL looks pretty similar to the Via 153.

If I cut a piece of paper to fit snugly inside the bezel on the NAV2, it is 96mm by 55mm

If I put that on the NAV3 device it is 7mm too small on the top edge and 9mm too small on each of the other three sides.
There is a LOT of flat glass on the outside of the active screen before you get to the very thin plastic surround.
Now I'm really confused. Who let the 4.3" in this closet? The Via 1535 and GO 2535 are both 5" units.

I've got a GO 1535 here with the small corner radius of the newer units - should be comparable to the Via for reasons I probably shouldn't discuss here. The radius just isn't very big at all.
Now I'm really confused. Who let the 4.3" in this closet? The Via 1535 and GO 2535 are both 5" units.

Yeah I know... I've got a 5" glass capacitive screen model, but I don't have a non-capacitive 5" screen model to compare to it, so I did it with two 4.3"s.

Forget the corner radius, all I'm tying to say is that all the models I've had with a shiny glass (capacitive) screen have a large area of glass around the active area, but models without it have a bezel almost right up to the edge of the active area. Therefore I think a screensaver designed for one of those will look daft on a capacitive screen model.
Go back to my two pictures... I thik those are the right models ans it's 5" diagonal for a model with a bezel, 5.8" for a glass-faced one.
That's the one....
The front face of that looks exactly the same as my European 5" screen NAV3 models.


The "active" (or "lit up") area of the screen is about 4.4"w x 2.45"h Just like the VIAs.

But there is no bezel as such, and the glass front panel goes all the way out as far as the red arrows on my pic - so the total dimensions of flat glass is 5.1"w x3.7"h, - substantially bigger than the size of a same-size screen with a bezel.
edit edit edit ... OK, upon further reflection (and there aren't any in the Gallery for the 2535, part of the problem!) I think I now understand where you are going with this. You are counting the entire non-case surface, even outside the viewable area of the LCD itself - where the glass sits on TOP of the plastic. Yes?
Andy/Kex have it right.

The "lit up" area of the 1535 and the 2535 are the same. 2 9/16ths inches by 4 3/8ths inches.

However, the edge of the 1535's lit-up area is a bezel, meaning that any screen protector can only be as big as the lit-up area.

The 2535 has a continuous piece of glass on top of the LCD, covering a wider area than the lit-up area. If you want to cover the whole glass area, you need to get a screen protector 3 3/16th inches by 5 1/8th inch.

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