used TomTom GO930 questions

Mar 3, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom GO930
Hi all,

I need a few advises on my recently-received-as-a-gift used TomTom GO930. I am new to TomTom (all of my life I used Garmin) and will appreciate any feedback from TomTom community. I do understand that all my questions are a personal choice but I will be glad to see your answers/comments to each question. I'll try to make a long story short.

A week ago I got used TomTom930 4GB as a gift. GPS came to me only as a unit itself with car charger, that’s all. The person who gave it to me is no more connected to the previous owner and got from the owner only the unit and the car charger. I also will not be able to contact the previous owner. So, there is no way to have more GPS pieces or any information from the owner. In fact, the person who gave it me is considered to be a co-owner but never used TomTom Home, updates, etc.

I am planning to give this GPS to my family (in USA). They will use it only for short local trips (80 mi radius maximum). No plans using it as mp3 player or photo-viewer. I have no plans to spend a lot of money on this GPS (including accessories). I tested this TT GO930 on the long trip (850 miles) in parallel with my Garmin nuvi 765T. Seems to me that TT GO930 working fine with just a slight difference in routing (a few miles here and there) compare to Garmin.

Now there are my questions/thoughts (finally!)

1.I am pretty much sure that the previous owner registered this GPS and downloaded TomTom Home software. Would I be able to use TomTome Home? Will TomTom consider that I stole the device? Is there an issue? Would somebody have/had the same problem? What is the best resolution for this? The device password was given to me at the time I received the unit, and I already disable it.

2.Let’s say, I will be able to resolve the problem # 1. Is it worth to update the GPS to the latest map/s? I may consider having one update or 1 year subscription for 4 seasonal updates. Maybe not to update the map at all? I think, it was updated at least ones, when the GPS have been bought, in 2009. I can choose to update only TomTom device software (hardware?) and download map corrections. Do you suggest to download corrected maps that have been verified by TomTom only or it is also safe to download corrected maps by Trusted sources?

3. I know the issue with TomTome Home software (I did my homework), especially with Windows 7 64-bit computers. I can try different suggestions from this or other forums and will see if I will be able to install it (the latest version). On what PC is better to install it: Windows 7 64-bit laptop or Windows Vista 64-bit desktop? Any other issues/surprises with TomTom Home that I need to be aware of?

4. The GPS’s battery is weak, just holding a charge for 30 minutes. As TT GO 930 will be used in the car only, I decided not to buy the new battery. I also decided not to buy a home dock and a remote control.

5. I want to buy and be able to use RDS-TMC Traffic Receiver. I do not like the original one and found suggestions on this forum about TOMTOM USB Lifetime Free Traffic Receiver Car Charger:

www(.)tomtomforums(.)com/t27372-go-930-updated-mount-rds-tmc(.)html or use the following ASIN No. "B005JSM95W" on Amazon.

After all software/hardware updates from TomTome Home (again, if I will be able to use TT Home) this RDS-TMC should work. My understanding, that I will not pay any subscription price to receive traffic information with this RDS-TMC. Am I correct? Any suggestions on this?

6. Maybe I missed something and you can add more advices, tips, etc.

Thank you for your help in advance.

P.S. Forgive me if I posted this on the wrong section of this forum and please feel free to redirect me to the right one.
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1.I am pretty much sure that the previous owner registered this GPS and downloaded TomTom Home software. Would I be able to use TomTome Home? Will TomTom consider that I stole the device?

No problem. Since there will be subscriptions for maps, etc., that are possible from the previous owner, you're not missing out on anything. Home will install just fine. Current version here:

You will need to get the email account of your choice coupled up to your unit in Home, however, and it may be necessary to contact tech support to remove the prior users email and get your own established as linked to that unit (by serial number). Until then, you won't be able to purchase maps, etc.

2.Let’s say, I will be able to resolve the problem # 1. Is it worth to update the GPS to the latest map/s?

You may be confusing released maps (updated and distributed quarterly) and MapShare information from others.

You can purchase a new map first, then a subscription to update that map (assuming it isn't already current, but that's not likely). After that, you can configure Home to accept updates from users as well. That works well in some areas, but not so well in others. I tend to use only the TomTom + Trusted because some bonehead will inevitably block a road permanently that only has construction on it for 1 day <g>.

Yes, you can choose to update only the firmware and add the MapShare updates without buying a new map or subscription.

3. I know the issue with TomTome Home software (I did my homework), especially with Windows 7 64-bit computers. I can try different suggestions from this or other forums and will see if I will be able to install it (the latest version). On what PC is better to install it: Windows 7 64-bit laptop or Windows Vista 64-bit desktop? Any other issues/surprises with TomTom Home that I need to be aware of?

Vista and 7 64 can pose the same challenges for some users, and others just plug and play. No real explanation as to why it bites some users. If you run into trouble, you can always run in XP mode (both for Home installation and its use) if need be, but we've got plenty of suggestions here from various 64 bit users.

4. The GPS’s battery is weak, just holding a charge for 30 minutes. As TT GO 930 will be used in the car only, I decided not to buy the new battery. I also decided not to buy a home dock and a remote control.

If you're still getting 30 minutes, you're fine. You'll also be fine without the dock, using a normal USB A to mini-B cable on your PC for charging and using at your desk if need be.

5. I want to buy and be able to use RDS-TMC Traffic Receiver. I do not like the original one and found suggestions on this forum about TOMTOM USB Lifetime Free Traffic Receiver Car Charger.

If your unit is updated from (possibly) 8.351, the latest firmware until just recently, to 9.401, the most recent, then the 'current' USB style RDS-TMC cable with the mini-B connector on the end that is being offered (no subscription required) will work. I keep getting the part numbers mixed up, so I'd have to look up the right one again before I suggest which one that would be.
Welcome to TTF. First of all, I reduced the font size of your post to default, no need for you to have selected a larger one. :)

1. Yes, you use Home 2 with that device. You get it (or have gotten it) at

2. Many users never update their original maps. If you find the version you have is doing the job, you may not be inclined to do so. That said, each update supposedly includes more accurate poi data and, more importantly, more current imbedded data for the IQ routing functionality your unit can handle. This functionality yields more accurate (from historical driving patterns) data resulting in more realistic ETA's for routing you plan. Some restrict mapshare to only verified by TomTom but, in truth, TomTom itself has never made clear the difference between verified and trusted sources; I suspect both kinds are fine.

Also, although you don't have a dock for the unit, any mini to usb connector should do the job if you want to update the unit.

3. Some report issues with W7 and Home 2 software. Running Home 2 as XP compatible often resolves issues. Others with W7 have no problems whatsoever.

4. To update the unit with maps, gps fixes or mapshares, you do need a connector cable so, as I said, if you don't want an actual dock, you'll need the cable (big box stores sell them or you may already have one lying around).

5. If you update the unit to the latest build (9.40), you can get this combo rds-tmc antenna and it will work with the unit and, yes, its free for the lifetime:

That said, not all cities have coverage for the info which comes via the fm signal on your radio. See here:
Playing two games at once, dhn?
15-0 to canderson. Anyone for doubles? :)
Happens as often as not on these longer posts. By the time you get done spending 15 minutes answering, the other guy has already hit the 'submit' key. Wish we had a status indicator for "Reply in Progress"!
I was busy reducing the font size of the original post. So Canderson beat me.... :(
Hi all,

Your responses were so quick and informative!! Great people here!
Let me clarify a few things from your responses:

2 canderson - - >

“however, and it may be necessary to contact tech support to remove the prior users email and get your own established as linked to that unit (by serial number).” --- I need to call them and ask to remove the prior users email and what will be my typical explanation: the old user is no more owned this GPS; I got it as a gift? What would be your advice?

“If your unit is updated from (possibly) 8.351, the latest firmware until just recently, to 9.401, the most recent…” --- Is the unit will update automatically to the latest firmware 9.401? What do I need to do to have 9.401 be installed?

“I keep getting the part numbers mixed up, so I'd have to look up the right one again before I suggest which one that would be.” --- Did you look up again? What part number is the correct one?

Thank you again. Such a nice experience to have all answers I needed from this forum!

P.S. I hope I choose the right font size this time!?
Just connecting to Home and 'Update my 930' should show an application update (to 9.401) offered.
“however, and it may be necessary to contact tech support to remove the prior users email and get your own established as linked to that unit (by serial number).” --- I need to call them and ask to remove the prior users email and what will be my typical explanation: the old user is no more owned this GPS; I got it as a gift? What would be your advice?
Simply advise that you purchased it used, if that's the case, and that you'd like to link it to your own email account. What I don't know is how they will respond to your not knowing the original email address. If you had that, you'd just call and ask them to swap, no questions asked. Your unit's serial number and the email account linked to it is part of the process of buying any subscriptions you might want in the future. If you don't plan to subscribe to maps or anything, it probably doesn't matter.

“If your unit is updated from (possibly) 8.351, the latest firmware until just recently, to 9.401, the most recent…” --- Is the unit will update automatically to the latest firmware 9.401? What do I need to do to have 9.401 be installed?
As dhn says, just hook up and let Home fire up (you'll need to have it installed first) and it will offer you the new application, and probably a few other things as well.

“I keep getting the part numbers mixed up, so I'd have to look up the right one again before I suggest which one that would be.” --- Did you look up again? What part number is the correct one?
The one that was pointed out to you by dhn after I said that!

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