New to TomTom GPS..aquired a used model...

May 19, 2013
Albany NY
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom One 2nd Edition
A friend of mine didn't need her 5 year old TomTom One 4n 00.005 anymore so she is giving it to me. I pick it up tomorrow. It seems that this device is pretty outdated. Is it still usable? We have a 4 hour trip coming up in a few weeks we want to use it for, so I hope it is, and that I won't have to pay for a new map. Will I be able to link that GPS to my new TomTom account? Where can I find a user manual that goes with it? I don't think she has it anymore. Any help would be appreciated.

If she hasn't updated the map in 5 years, I would have serious concerns about the reliability of the routing, especially for a relatively long trip. If you do want an updated map, yes, you'll have to pay for it.

A link to the reference guide is here:

Do you have any other device associated with your account? If so, you need a diiferent one for this device; if not, your current one should work. You should be asked if you want to associate the device with the account. Say 'yes'

And, if you haven't done so, download Home 2. You'll need it as the computer application for the device.

Get it at
Is there a free map update when you first link the gps to your email address in TomTomHome?

This will be the only TomTom advice associated with this email address. I was just reading on another site that in order to register a used device that I have to give my friend my email address and password so she can go into her account and change the email address and password. Is that true?

How do I delete her saved data like save destinations and such?

Thank you so much for your help!
Nope, the only free map is a Latest Map Guarantee good for 30 days after purchase by the original owner.

You can go to Restore to factory defaults. That should remove her recent destinations, favourites, home location, etc.

If you run into problems associating the device to your account, call customer service and they should be able to straighten things out:

United States
866 486 6866

7:00am to 11:00pm EST
9:00am to 8:00pm EST
My friend told me they had updated it since buying it, but she doesn't remember how long ago, she said within the last 2 years. As of right now we only plan to use it for this one trip, so I will check it before hand to make sure the navigation is correct for the route we want to take. I just can't see buying an update if I will only use it once in a great while. Normally I just use the GPS on my phone...
In my personal opinion,you'd be better off buying a new unit,if you add just a little more money you can get a brand new no frills gps for the price of what the maps cost. I have the TT Start50M, It's a no frills gets you from point A to point B, 5" screen and easy to operate plus lifetime free map updates.Do a little shopping around and you can find it cheaper than what I paid at best buy.
My friend told me they had updated it since buying it, but she doesn't remember how long ago, she said within the last 2 years. As of right now we only plan to use it for this one trip, so I will check it before hand to make sure the navigation is correct for the route we want to take. I just can't see buying an update if I will only use it once in a great while. Normally I just use the GPS on my phone...
Have you considered in the planning stage to look at Google maps for now.
It is easy select your start and with Get destination you go to the first way point. Then add on the next stops and so on.
This will give you a written turn by turn instruction and allow you to figure times and distances well before hand.
For actual driving the TomTom is the superior option.

There is an Albany connection with my TomTom.
When the GO 930 was advertised in 2008 it was offered by Amazon but only for shipping to US addresses, not Canadian ones.
I ordered one, using SWMBO's school chum's Schoolhouse Rd address. A day later I received a confirmation from Crutchfield saying that they would fill the order and that they would cancel the transaction if they couldn't ship by a certain date.
That date was 3-4 days after I was flying to the UK, the main reason for getting a GPS and, it still would have to get up here to Toronto.
Amazone ignored my requests (IIRC) but Crutchfield was very understanding and cancelled the order and informed Amazone correspondingly.

If I had to deal with a mail order house in the States and prices were equal, without a second thought, Crutchfield would win my business.

Will be again at Schoolhouse Rd on June 7/8/9.
Seems as nice a thing to have on one's mind as anything else :whoo:
I don't find Amazones very appealing.
The story goes that they lopped off the left one!
I'm sure 'our' Amazone wouldn't do that to you, Arno.

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