Bought a used TomTom One 2nd ed-Help

Aug 15, 2010
Hello all. Yesterday at a local garage sale I bought a used TomTom One 2nd Edition. It came with the unit the suction mount, 2 gb sd card and the power cord...All for $5. Anyway, I go to turn on the unit and all I get is the red x pic on the unit showing it is not recognizing the card. Now I have no idea as what to do. Can I purchase an sd card with US maps pre-loaded? Do I have to do this myself and should I download from the TomTom site? How do I download, how much does it cost? Any help would be most appreciated.
Welcome to TTF.

For starters, you'd need the Home software. Get it from here:
How do I install TomTom HOME?

Now, use Windows Explorer to look at the contents of the card. Do you see a specific map folder (USA_Canada, perhaps?) Don't remember if that model runs off the card or internal.

Anyway, after installing Home, connect the unit to Home and see if an application is offered. If so, download.

If still a problem, use Explorer to delete all the loose files in the root of the card, NO folders or their contents. Now, connect to Home again and an application should be offered.

Once the application is installed, does the unit recognize the map? Tap the satellite bars to see the application version installed. Now, tap the version number to see (on the next screen) the map installed and its version (current is 850).

You can purchase the current map using Home via a download. Maps aren't sold on a card in NA but the map would be installed on it.

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