Transfer of Custom POI's

Apr 15, 2014
TomTom Model(s)
XL, VIA 1535M
Hello there,

I'm a newbie so need help!!!!

I have an old XL that I use for work which has custom POI's installed on an SD card for location of operational sites. Unfortunately the XL has died so I bought a VIA 135M and need to transfer the POI's from the SD to the VIA. I've got an Micro SD card, transferred the files from the SD to Micro SD but I can't see the icons (custom for different types of location) on the POI list or see the POI's.

Any help will be gratefully received as this is extremely hindering my job!!!

Cheers Steve.
Two ways:
1. To transfer custom pois from your computer to the Via 135, connect your unit to the computer, start MyDrive and in the desktop icon will be a link 'Add Community Content'. Click it and you'll see a screen open whereby you can add a bunch of stuff, including the pois.

2. To transfer from an existing device to the Via, use this tool: Assistant
Just in case you missed it, something you need to be aware of if you're transferring the files manually....
As well as the ".ov2" POI data files, you also need to transfer across the ".bmp" files (which are the icons for them)

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