TomTom ONE just won't take me where I'm going

May 2, 2008
I was excited about my TomTom when I bought it thinking that I would have accurate maps for a long long time. However, I have found an unexpected problem: I can't trust it. I've had it for about 6 months, and at least 4 times it has simply taken me to the wrong address.

If I try to update my map, it just says that my map is up to date.

I'm wondeirng ift TomTom though an excellent device for the European market, might not be that great here in the U.S.

What good is a GPS if you have to stop and ask for directions?
Let's not generalize because of a few situations. What map version do you have? What application.

What are some examples of address that were incorrect?
I completely understand, Golem. Though I don't use my TT frequently, I have experienced the same problems when just testing it locally. Here in NC, the house numbers correlate with actual mileage from the beginning (or starting point) of a road. When I key in my house number, TT takes me 1.7 miles east of my actual driveway. Another TT owner, a friend of mine, says his house is never where TT instructs him to go. Don't know exactly how far off it is but when I key in his address it looks like it's about 2 miles off. I don't know what the fix is because it's probably more widespread than we know.
Interesting, I have a over 0ne year old TT One XL and no problems of this nature, just used it twice today out here in Calif. rural area and everytime it said you have arrived it was right on.
As someone already asked, which TT and etc do you have.........:confused:

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