tomtom 950 live application update

Jan 25, 2019
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
tomtom one/tomtom 910/tomtom 950 live/tomtom 6100
Hi all ..... i connected my 950 live to tomtom home and it said i had a application update but not enough internal memory to install.
it siad i had to remove items from my device.
i purchased a micro sdhc 8gb sandisk card on the advice of tom tom ( max 16gb for this device)
The device doesn't seem to see the card.
i have reset the device and turned back on and waited for the unit to fire up .plugged the card in but it doesn't ask you wasnt to format this card .
i have tried to format it to fat 32 on a laptop but still the same .it doesn't see the card when put in the device.
can anyone help on this matter please .
With the card in the device, try a drum reset on the unit by holding the power button about 20 seconds till you hear the drum sounds. See if it sees the card then.
Perhaps a different question: When you connect the 950 with the card installed, does your PC see the card as a separate external drive?
With the card in the device, try a drum reset on the unit by holding the power button about 20 seconds till you hear the drum sounds. See if it sees the card then.
Thank you ,but still no luck .
the device dosent give me any indication that the card is installed in the device.i think it should say do you want to format this disc
i have left the card in the device and connected the device to my mac using the device dock.
my mac computer does see the micro card
when i open up tomtom home and go to update the application and speed cameras etc it says not enough space on internal memory.
home software shows a long bar withe the amount of memory ued and free space
should it show the memory card the same ?
Perhaps a different question: When you connect the 950 with the card installed, does your PC see the card as a separate external drive?
hi ,thanks shows the memory card on the computer when the device is connected with the device mount but it doesnt show the memory card in tom tom home
OK. That makes quite a difference in the description. Wanted to be sure that the TomTom and the PC were both seeing the card OK. Now we're only talking about Home.
However, as to your first issue, let's be certain about the nature of the problem regarding internal memory. As I recently pointed out to another member, Apple has a strange way of dealing with deleted files on external drives. Unlike Windows, when files are deleted on an external drive, the 'trash' isn't moved to the PC's trash can ... it's left in a local trash can on the external drive, eating up that much available memory. That's true for TomTom Nav2 units like yours, thumb drives, etc. So since we're only talking about the app and speed cameras, let's be sure that isn't an issue. EMPTY the trash to make sure there's not still a bunch of deleted files residing in the TomTom's trash can.

We'll operate on the assumption that even if the above works to free up the necessary space, we still need Home to see the card in your device.

When you connect your device and Home first wakes up to service it (be sure Home is already shut down before connecting your device for this purpose), Home should produce a screen that looks like this if the card is correctly formatted (FAT32):


Based upon your comments about Home, would it be correct to assume that you do NOT see that screen when you get connected and Home wakes up?
OK. That makes quite a difference in the description. Wanted to be sure that the TomTom and the PC were both seeing the card OK. Now we're only talking about Home.
However, as to your first issue, let's be certain about the nature of the problem regarding internal memory. As I recently pointed out to another member, Apple has a strange way of dealing with deleted files on external drives. Unlike Windows, when files are deleted on an external drive, the 'trash' isn't moved to the PC's trash can ... it's left in a local trash can on the external drive, eating up that much available memory. That's true for TomTom Nav2 units like yours, thumb drives, etc. So since we're only talking about the app and speed cameras, let's be sure that isn't an issue. EMPTY the trash to make sure there's not still a bunch of deleted files residing in the TomTom's trash can.

We'll operate on the assumption that even if the above works to free up the necessary space, we still need Home to see the card in your device.

When you connect your device and Home first wakes up to service it (be sure Home is already shut down before connecting your device for this purpose), Home should produce a screen that looks like this if the card is correctly formatted (FAT32):

View attachment 5009

Based upon your comments about Home, would it be correct to assume that you do NOT see that screen when you get connected and Home wakes up?

Hi canderson , thank you for all the info . I have tried a restart , drum roll with the card in the device and I get no visual message that the device has seen the card ,
Am I supposed to get a visual message on the device . ..?
I am also not seeing your picture you posted ,
TomTom home is only showing the internal memory
Thanks big paul
The only message you get is the first time that the FAT32 card has been formatted by the device.

When formatting the FAT32 on the PC first it is essential that "full" formatting is applied, NOT quick format.
(Just to be sure.)
Be sure to pick up Arno's comment, above.

When Home can see the device's internal memory, but fails to see an SD or uSD card inserted into a device, and the PC sees both, that's an indication that Home does not recognize the card as part of the TomTom. I have not seen that happen after a full FAT32 format and a reset on the device after the card is installed as David recommended earlier.

For Nav2 devices like the 950 that operate with Home, the device will not ask to format the card. That only occurs at Nav3 and later units where the file system is created by the device. The OP's 950 will be perfectly happy to accept a FAT32 formatted card without any additional fiddling by the device's OS.
The only message you get is the first time that the FAT32 card has been formatted by the device.

When formatting the FAT32 on the PC first it is essential that "full" formatting is applied, NOT quick format.
(Just to be sure.)
Thanks Arno I will give it a try

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