Last week 23/04/0215 I spent 5 hours trying to get my G6000 and related software up to date! The servers where so slow and timed out again and again. Today the same thing, yet again I cannot download any up dates at all!
Has anyone any ideas how I can get my Tom Tom up to date without using the MyDrive software? I have the latest version as of earlier today but it is next to useless.
Why are we being treated with such disdain as customers. with such bad service. I have 150 meg broadband and I do not have any problems downloading from any other site when I need to update my software.
Has anyone any ideas how I can get my Tom Tom up to date without using the MyDrive software? I have the latest version as of earlier today but it is next to useless.
Why are we being treated with such disdain as customers. with such bad service. I have 150 meg broadband and I do not have any problems downloading from any other site when I need to update my software.