

Aug 21, 2023
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Go pro 6250
Any idea why my Tom Tom go pro 6250 whenever I am anywhere in Kent late at night and want to get to Essex for example Sittingbourne to Basildon it refuses to use the Dartford toll crossing and instead tells me to go all the way into central London and over Tower Bridge? I have it set to avoid ferries and car carrying trains but nothing else. The vehicle dimensions set are 6 meters long 2.5 meters wide and 3.5 meters high with a weight of 7.5 ton. This is bigger than what I actually drive but not so big it wouldn’t fit through the tunnel. I know they often close one of the dartford tunnels but I have never seen both closed and even the smaller of the two is 4.8 meters. What’s more the Blackwall tunnel is 4 meters high and that is before you get to the Tower. I double checked my settings and it is not set to avoid tunnels or toll roads so I can’t see why it insists on going into the middle of London. Even when I ignore it, it tells me to do a U turn in the tunnel until I come out the other side then it re calculates.

If, when you come out the other side of the tunnel, there are no additional issues, then I think it's clear that the issue is something to do with the tunnel.

Are you saying that this ONLY happens late at night? If so, we need to consider time sensitive elements.

If you tell your 6250 that you're a 'car' instead of a 'truck', is there still a routing issue? If not, then we know the tunnel restriction is related to trucks, or trucks of certain sizes (regardless of the reality).

Before a proper report can be made to TomTom, it will be helpful to be armed with some additional details of the sort asked above.


The restrictions I see signed are 16'6" height, 9'0" width, 61'6" length, but nothing on weight.

TomTom's embedded map data shows, for the 'southeast' tunnel, 16'6" height, no width, no length, and nothing on weight.
TomTom's embedded map data shows, for the 'northwest' tunnel, 15'9" height, no width, no length, and nothing on weight.
Think I figured it out.
I changed it to car and it went through the tunnel.
Went back to change it back to truck, and noticed it had selected dangerous goods, so I had to go back in and manually deselect those.
When I re-plotted the route after removing the dangerous goods it went through the tunnel as it should do.

Pretty sure you can go through the Darttford tunnel with hazardous goods, you just have to get a police escort.
Seen them escorting vehicles like petrol tankers through it a few times.
Yup, that would surely do it. Glad you got that sorted.

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