POI's to Go Professional 620

Oct 21, 2019
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Go Professional620
Good Evening,I have just bought a Go Pro 620 so as to be able to put my vehicle's dimensions in in the hope of no detours across farmers fields etc.My query is that when connected to the relevant PC to download ly POI files,I am told that I can update via Wi-Fi but no information is forthcoming about uploading.If this is not possible it will be going back to Mr Halford aka TomTom Supplier Thank-you in anticipation
You need to
1) Get an account set up here >> https://mydrive.tomtom.com/en_gb/
2) Use exactly the same email and password account information on your 620 in the Menu / Settings / MyDrive / TomTom Account boxes.
That is what 'connects' your device to your MyDrive web page information.
3) take your *.ov2 style POI files and upload then to the site you set up in #1.
4) Have your 620 hooked up to WiFi (or the cable if you have the MyDrive Connect app on your PC and, just ignore that app when it opens up -- the cable makes the connection that is needed if you don't have WiFi avaialble) so they sync across the cloud to your device.

See here a very recent thread discussing this process: >> https://www.tomtomforums.com/threads/upgrading-from-xxl540-to-go520.32451/#post-192279
Ignore the bit about 'routes' and focus just on POIs.
Good Morning,Thanks for the quick reply.First a bit of background,I live in the UK and not Canada.I notice in your forum yon mention the XXL540,I have never heard of this model,perhaps its for the canadian market.Now back to the query,I have been able to use the very valuble info sent and have managed to get to the point where I am told that the OV2 file has been downloaded ,and that is where the trail goes cold..The PC screen shows its downloaded but nothing when I go into my places on the Sat-Nav .Perhaps you have an idea in that direction?
Your .o2 categories should show on your device in My Places at the very bottom.

Good Morning,Thanks for the quick reply.First a bit of background,I live in the UK and not Canada.I notice in your forum yon mention the XXL540,I have never heard of this model,perhaps its for the canadian market.Now back to the query,I have been able to use the very valuble info sent and have managed to get to the point where I am told that the OV2 file has been downloaded ,and that is where the trail goes cold..The PC screen shows its downloaded but nothing when I go into my places on the Sat-Nav .Perhaps you have an idea in that direction?

I have sorted out this problem,finger trouble,when I checked all my details I found that a full stop in my email address had migrated to a different position . Now all my POI's are where I want them.Thanks again to all respondents for the help received scrumptyvet

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