Non x30 users - do NOT upgrade to Navcore 8 yet

Great - like many others, I had gone ahead and done the update. Had some issues, but seem to have gotten past most of them. I probably could reload 7.48, but it took a lot of work to get 8.01 loaded and straightened out.

When they come out with the Navcore 8 re-release you mentioned, do you think it will come through Home if you have 8.01 already loaded, or only load through 7.48?

I will problem leave it alone unless there will be a problem again when the revised Navcore 8 come out.
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Well, one would hope the re-release will have a different version number and TTHome will recognize that and offer an upgrade. But, from what we've all experienced involving TTHome, who KNOWS what will really happen when the time comes??:eek: :eek:
Well, one would hope the re-release will have a different version number and TTHome will recognize that and offer an upgrade. But, from what we've all experienced involving TTHome, who KNOWS what will really happen when the time comes??:eek: :eek:

Agreed. If it wasn't for this unknown, we could leave NavCore 8 in there and continue to benefit from the bug fixes. :) :)

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