Navigating using the 'via' option.

Aug 5, 2011
SW France
TomTom Model(s)
Start 25 Europe
I have a couple of favourite routes through/round Paris but I'm trying to create a route given me by a Paris residnet. I have been told to go via a certain places and have tried to use the 'via' option but when I insert the name of the place TomTom shows the town name as Boulonge Billancourt (City) but only offers a car park instead of a 'through' type of choice.

I only want to pass through on my way to Saint Denis where I have the same problem.

Is this a software glitch and can I get around it or perhaps ignore it when I get there and continue without the deviation into the town?
Instead of making the via point somewhere named on the map, maybe find a suitable point on the map and place a Favorite or a POI onto the road you wish to pass along. Then set the via point to that Favorite or POI you created.

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