Navcore versions

Mar 2, 2008

Do all TomTom devices ship with Navcore 10 now? If not, is there a list of which devices ship with what version?


Hm, do you guys know what the latest TomTom model that ships with Navcore 9 is?

The reason I ask is I want to install Tripmaster so I can get NMEA output.

Thanks again,

Sorry Alatel. That was the link - before we reshuffled the organization of the board here a while back. I think dhn has you fixed up now.
It's for Navcore 3 devices that require MyTomTom. Doesn't apply to the Ease models (9.430 is the latest for the Ease)
It's Version 10 of the TomTom operating system.

All versions are called "Navcore"...

v10 was the first version for the so-called "NAV3" models (i.e. the new generation ones that use "MyTomTom to connect to a PC rather than TT "Home"). I think it has been superceded by v12 for all of those models now.

(Oops, sorry dhn... I didn't realise we were on to age 2 before I posted)
I always thought I was a tekkie until trying to update my Satnav gear (multiple units.. handhelds, in the car, etc.)

I am trying to figure out what the latest version of firmware is for my Tom Tom One
2nd. Edition (serial number starts with 1Z or is it Z1).

Then I would like to figure out which of the maps for North America (Canada/USA?) and for the UK/Ireland I need to get and how the heck to install them.

Ditto for my Ford Flex which was sold to me with obsolete maps when I got it and Ford could care less. We have two Flex's and they want $400 plus 15% taxes to update them to the current maps. I'm telling them I'd be happy with what should have been on the maps when I got the vehicles. The street across from us was put in circa 1990 and isn't on the map. Sheesh.

Anyway, this is a Tom Tom forum and my question was how do I find out the latest version of firmware I can install on my Tom Tom One Version 2. And which map versions are most current for me to install. I presently have firmware 7.903 at present.

Thanks in advance. I will reciprocate.
Latest software for the ONE 2nd Edition - 1GB is 7.903 as far as I know.

Do you have TomTom HOME installed on your computer? (get it here if you don't)

If you do, then just connecting the TomTom to the computer, running HOME and selecting "Update my device" should show you if there are any Navcore updates available. But it looks like you are on the mose up-to-date version for that model.

Latest map versions are v895. Again ify ou connect to HOME and select "Buy Maps, Voices etc" it will offer you the correct map version for your model's memory size (for a price!).
You can also check that on the TomTom website here. Enter the first two characters your serial number (it's z1 not 1z) and it will offer you maps to buy and also the map update service.

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