Nav4 15.202

Mar 3, 2012
Stotfold, Beds, England
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Tomtom GO 950 Live, Tomtom 6000
Hi all! After much swearing and shouting I've managed to update my tomtom 6000 to the lates OS.

After looking around I can see the following changes.

As soon as the device turns back on you can log into your 'MyDrive' and all your favourits are synched. It appears you can now use your computer to add destinations and favourites and then have them updated on your Tomtom device and vice-versa. You can edit your 'MyDrive' email and password by tapping 'Tomtom Serivces'.

There is a 'Drive Home' icon next to the 'Search' icon. So instead of having to go to 'My Places' then 'Home' you can just find your way with one tap.

There is a 'Recent Destination' icon next to the 'Drive Home' icon.

I can't find anything else at the minute. But if you find something that I haven't mentioned please put it below - ta!
Thanks! I found this too!


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You will also find an Add Work icon in My Places on the device and at My Places in MyDrive.
That is a fixed (changeable like Home), next to Search and Home, once given an address.

If you hold your finger on one of the menu buttons for a bit, little left ant right arrows show at its bottom. You use those to move the menu button to the left or right.
You've hit the high points, MoM. The absence of POI support has been a sore spot for users (and potential buyers!) for a long time, and many will be happy to have it in whatever form it comes!
One item you missed in your list -- the ability to move the icons around in the menu system. Especially with the added Home and Work icons, it's nice to be able to put the ones you use most right there on page 1.
15.300 is out, look like mostly bug fix
Version 15.300
GO 40, GO 50, GO 60, GO 400, GO 500, GO 510, GO 600, GO 610, GO 5000, GO 5100, GO 6000, GO 6100, START 40, START 50, START 60

Recent destinations and My Places in search results
You will now see your recent destinations and saved places listed in search results.

TomTom Traffic Geo Expansion (GO only)
You can now receive real-time traffic updates in Greece and Hungary. Your device must be connected to TomTom Services.

Map correction reports can be submitted over the air (GO only)
You no longer need to connect your device to a computer to submit map corrections. Reports will be submitted over the air while your device is connected to TomTom. This ensures that TomTom can use the corrections as soon as possible to improve maps and services for all users.

Automatic clearing of your route
You current route is automatically cleared after you have arrived at your destination and your device is asleep or switched off. If you have planned a route but not arrived at your destination, the route is cleared after one week if your device is asleep or switched off.

Other bug fixes and improvements
Various performance improvements and bug fixes have been implemented.
I don't know if anyone else notice, but it seems like the "Use voice to accept an alternative route" is not working in version 15
It used to prompt us "there is a route that is x minutes faster, do you want to take this route?" and you can say yes or no, but right now it only make the bell sound when there is an alternate route, and you can't use voice to accept it.
Has been working for me. Which version of version 15 are you running? There have been quite a number of them. I think the current production build is 15.300.
I am on 15.301.1976212.111
I have Start voice control when I say "Hello TomTom" off but Use voice to accept an alternative route on (same setting as before) but it doesn't accept my voice input.
Try a drum reset on the unit by holding the power button about 20 seconds till you hear the drum sounds. If that doesn't work, a more drastic factory reset (losing all custom settings) might resolve the problem. Key word is 'might'.
Is there a way to test it other than driving around and hope it finds a alternate route?
Resetting the setting is fine, at least right now it back up the favorites onto the server so i don't have to worry about it.
I just got a change to test it today (lucky) and it doesn't work. It only plays the three ding sounds and want me to press yes or no to accept the alternate route or not.
I wonder what is wrong with mine.
I believe that Voice Control must be actuated at least once manually before the Wake-up-Word will become effective.

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