My TomTom One V3 makes a strange noise...

Dec 30, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom One V3
Hi everybody! Great forum. This is my first post. My TomTom One v3 makes a strange noise, like a buzzing sound, when it is working. It is not a loud one, in fact you have to be in a very sillent room or get it close to your ear to notice it, but i wonder if it is normal... Could you guys check if you v3 also does this noise? Thank you. It works great otherwise. In a v2 that belongs to a relative, the sound is also present, but is a lot less audible.

Thank you for your replies. The strange thing is that in a v2, the noise is almost inaudible...
I would have sworn that mine is completely silent. But when I get my ear 2 inches from the back speaker, and can here something. I don't know if this is what you describe--perhaps yours is louder. I probably never would have noticed this if I didn't hold it to my ear like a sea shell.
this is the noise from the ?mercury? lamp's power "regulator", similar to dimmer switch. when you have the display at full power. it goes away. but when it any less. it has to 'resist' power, and thats the noise, similar to what you hear when you go by a transformer, (they buzz as well).

has any one notice that theirs has a constant "whirling" sound, like a fan is running all the time. im trying to figure out if that is the fan, or the HD, and that has to be killing the battery. mine lasts 30 min. tried resetting. any suggestions?
I have to put it right against my ear but it does make a sound like a fan running.

Never seen inside one so I can't say whether there is actually a fan in there or not.Do they have a hard drive?I just assumed it was flash memory like a thumb drive.

My bet is on the comment about being resistors or some such making the whine.
Mine also does the "weeeee" noise when brightness is not at 100%!
First I tough it was a problem but it seems is a normal painful characteristic.
It's not that loud, but some times get on my nerves as it is like an ultrasonic noise that irritates even if it's almost imperceptible!
For that reason I always leave brightness on 100%.
Hi All
I have just purchased a XL V2. I have the same prob with mine. A constant buzzing noise coming from the screen, subtle but very annoying? Any fixes or is this a faulty unit?

Noise from tomtom XL V2

Yes rang them up today and have arranged a replacement.

Thanks for the post

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