Many years ago I had one of the first TomTom GOs. The GO model with the bulbous rear. That got stolen. Replaced with One. Always favoured Tomtom over Garmin. Over the years recommended TomTom to so many friends. For some years now have had the really good Start 25
'Joined' Mapshare' when it was first introduced and regularly update and send corrections/additions to mapping.
Only discovered a few days ago that MapShare has been discontinued (since last Feb !). I never saw any announcement about that for my regular map etc. updates. I had wondered why there had been no MapShare updates along with Cameras, QuickFix etc. Yes, I update/connect to MyDrive Connect servers regularly through the years.
From now on is it a waste of my time adding corrections or additional POIs ? Will I no longer receive corrections from others ?
More and more organisations seem to follow the mantras of 'No profit in service'; ' No profit in maintenance'. TomTom take note there are hard financial times now and ahead.
Interestingly a friend, who has a discontinued Garmin satnav, had a message from Garmin that although discontinued Garmin were still supporting. That is the attitude needed by business in difficult financial conditions for consumers/customers.
Over the years I have both contributed, usefully I hope, to MapShare and been pleased with corrections/additions received.
David, Elmswell, Suffolk, (1140GMT Sunday 4th December 2022)
'Joined' Mapshare' when it was first introduced and regularly update and send corrections/additions to mapping.
Only discovered a few days ago that MapShare has been discontinued (since last Feb !). I never saw any announcement about that for my regular map etc. updates. I had wondered why there had been no MapShare updates along with Cameras, QuickFix etc. Yes, I update/connect to MyDrive Connect servers regularly through the years.
From now on is it a waste of my time adding corrections or additional POIs ? Will I no longer receive corrections from others ?
More and more organisations seem to follow the mantras of 'No profit in service'; ' No profit in maintenance'. TomTom take note there are hard financial times now and ahead.
Interestingly a friend, who has a discontinued Garmin satnav, had a message from Garmin that although discontinued Garmin were still supporting. That is the attitude needed by business in difficult financial conditions for consumers/customers.
Over the years I have both contributed, usefully I hope, to MapShare and been pleased with corrections/additions received.
David, Elmswell, Suffolk, (1140GMT Sunday 4th December 2022)