Manually install map update?

Dec 20, 2007
I've had this 720 for 24 hours now, and I would say the majority of the time it has set in the dock with this stupid map update. 23 hours to be exact.

I finally got it to finish downloading last night, and my windows VM ran out of hard disk space so it canceled the install.

So I've expanded my VM and I'm thinking great the home application will see the completed file and just use it. No, it now wants to re-download it again... This time it finished and then the tom tom is out of space so I had to go back and delete files.

Is there anyway in the world I can go about reinstalling this myself using the file that has already completed?

I tried unzipping it, and manually copying / pasting it over to the tom tom but it wasn't having it.

For now I have it manually downloading the update for the 3rd time, when all I want to do is use the stupid thing.

any help?

the average download is taking anywhere from 7 to 9 hours.
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Do you have the latest version of home installed? The virtual memory problem nonwithstanding when I did the map updated it told me before the download started that I would have to delete some files off my device.
Do you have the latest version of home installed? The virtual memory problem nonwithstanding when I did the map updated it told me before the download started that I would have to delete some files off my device.

Mine did the same thing, but this is a place that I felt I was left hanging by TT instructions. I did not know if any map was actually pre-installed on the TT, if so, why was it on the CD? I also did not know if the old map would be uninstalled automatically, or if I had to delete one before I could add another one. I still don't know for the next time. Nor did I know how to back up just the map.
You sound as if you have downloaded the map. Check the download folder under (default) My documents-->TomTom-->etc.,

If it's there, I suggest you do this: make another copy of this map zip file with a different name. Then, in the original zip, do not extract anything but just start stripping out from the NA Map folder all the csspeech-state-.dat files you figure you won't use. (eg, Texas is 43 megs). Remove the map from the unit.

Now then, use TTHome to try to install the (reduced) map from the computer. As you've found (as did I), simply copying over all the map files doesn't seem to work (though it should).

I believe the reason for that is that the unit creates a mapsettings.cfg file during the install that makes the unit 'see' the map and get it working.

I also think, in hindsight, getting a sd disk for the unit (at least 2 megs) will make life much easier for you.......
I've had this 720 for 24 hours now, and I would say the majority of the time it has set in the dock with this stupid map update. 23 hours to be exact.

I finally got it to finish downloading last night, and my windows VM ran out of hard disk space so it canceled the install.

So I've expanded my VM and I'm thinking great the home application will see the completed file and just use it. No, it now wants to re-download it again... This time it finished and then the tom tom is out of space so I had to go back and delete files.

Is there anyway in the world I can go about reinstalling this myself using the file that has already completed?

I tried unzipping it, and manually copying / pasting it over to the tom tom but it wasn't having it.

For now I have it manually downloading the update for the 3rd time, when all I want to do is use the stupid thing.

any help?

the average download is taking anywhere from 7 to 9 hours.

For my TomTom ONE LE (and I would assume the same for other models), the maps get downloaded into a subfolder /My Documents/TomTom/Home/Download/

If your files are still there, you should be able to use the HOME program to install them by using the ADD MAPS, TRAFFIC, VOICES should show you what updates are available for download and what is available on the computer as well.

I am curious as to why you can't manually add the maps as you have directory access. What file does it change when you upload it? I ask cause what prevents others from all sharing the same map update? Is it not just list of files?


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