Making my own POI's

Oct 1, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom One 3rd Edition
Hi, I'm a new TomTom One 3rd edition owner and so far I love it. I want to make some custom POI's from lats/longs that I have and I don't know where to begin.

As I understand it, you can convert a spreadsheet (csv) with this information into a ov2 file to then put on the TomTom unit, but I wasn't sure what tools are out there and what format the coordinates need to be in, if any. I also want to make my own custom bitmap for this as well......

tnx in advance
POI Question Whipping a dead horse...

I just purchased two tomtom One XL's. I want to be bale to create a Favorite or POI for all the places we go all the time. In my section we are getting new people in and out all the time.

I would like to have icon on the tomtom unit that they can click on and be able to scroll down to the location the need to go to and take off.

I'm a newbie on this stuff. Any help would be appreciated...
This can be done. I can help you make the icon and provide a blank POI file so you may add the contacts. I did this with my friends and family POI.

Im sorry I dont understand, what type of POI do you want?
We have prison, jails and other places we go. I would like to have these as POI's or should the be under favorites? I also have a inmage that I would like as an icon. Should I use the poiediit also?

Thanks for your help.
Sorry Did you get my reply.

This can be done. I can help you make the icon and provide a blank POI file so you may add the contacts. I did this with my friends and family POI.

Im sorry I dont understand, what type of POI do you want?

We have prison, jails and other places we go. I would like to have these as POI's or should the be under favorites? I also have a inmage that I would like as an icon. Should I use the poiediit also?

Thanks for your help.

Sorry did you get me lst reply.
Send me the image via email and I'll make it the icon with a blank POI file.
A POI is better in this case than a favorite.

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