Making Loquendo pause between multi-word street names


Dec 19, 2008
Boston, MA, USA
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
Tomtom GO for Android
Does anyone know if there is a way to increase/add a pause between multi-word streetnames?

I'm using Loquendo 6.9 (GO x20 models), and hoping there's some dictionary edit I can add to make this work.

For example, Loquendo reads Melnea Cass Blvd as Melneacassboulevard.

I would like it to say Melnea...(wait)...Cass...(wait)...Boulevard
Did turboccc ever finish a voice mod app for the TomTom Loquendo voices? I think he did get one working for Vocalizer. Maybe DHN knows. In turbo's Garmin version you can add pauses, even correct errors like DR being pronounced as Doctor rather than Drive with the Brit voices.
I didn't see any posts on turboccc finishing.

Malouff already posted the fix for DR = Doctor.

The roadnrEnglishUS.lex in the loquendoTTS folder (specific location varies per Loquendo version) contains is a txt file of the entire abbreviation dictionary.

I already changed "Br" from Branch to Bridge.

Not sure if something easy and similar can be done for pauses
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If you strip the top bit on every character of all of the other *.lex files, you'll find they're all human-readable and editable as well -- although you have to put the 8th bit back when you rewrite the file to the TomTom. You'd be amazed at some of the bizarre stuff that voices like Susan (via SusanTT.lex) have been told to pronounce in a specific way ... everything from "AK-47" to "boytoy" to "Osama Bin Laden". It's odd just reading through all of the lists.

I think that the system as received by TomTom is also applicable to "talking books" for current events like news, even if we're not using it that way. Most is labeled "Longman" - a well known English pronunciation dictonary. Then there follows a short list of stuff that is labeled "Specializzazioni per TomTom" that includes a specific way of pronouncing an odd set of numbers (120, 150, 180, 250, 270, 350 and 0) and just a few words like "GO" and "leisure". Go figure.

DHN: ages ago I produced a lexicon for the Loquendo *.lex file phonetics. I've looked all over my computer for that file, and darned if I can find it. If you recall where we were a year ago when I did that ... I need to refer to it again, and it would take ages to reproduce. Do Super Moderators get any Super search tools?:confused:

Does anyone know the Loquendo control tag for a pause?

I know using Microsoft Agent that you can add a pause like this.
Hello!\pau=5000\I am Merlin."
\pau=5000 is meaning pause for 5,000 milliseconds (5 seconds) between when he says "Hello!" and I

I tried it however at Loquendo's interactive demo and it did not work.

I also don't think that the TomTom is capable of searching for spaces.
I added the following to the lex file to test.
" " = "space"
For your Melnea Cas Blvd it should have said Melnea space Cas space Blvd
It however ignored that addition.

So either TomTom is using the spaces as a control character when looking for strings to substitute.
(Meaning it will not be looking for just a space)

Try adding something like this to your lex file
"Cas " = "Cas space "
I have a feeling it will ignore it as it includes a space in what it is looking for and my hunch is that a space is being used with something like a string split command then searching each part for a match in the lex file.

If that works then try this one
"s " = "s space"
I don't think this would work either as it is a sub-string so TomTom would not be able to find it if it is using spaces as a control character.
DHN: ages ago I produced a lexicon for the Loquendo *.lex file phonetics. I've looked all over my computer for that file, and darned if I can find it. If you recall where we were a year ago when I did that ... I need to refer to it again, and it would take ages to reproduce. Do Super Moderators get any Super search tools?:confused:
Are you talking about this?
I have compiled a lexicon for Loquendo phoneme pronunciation (interpretation of their odd characters and use of the alphabet to create the sounds).
Yes, I no not the post in question but the first Google match and your post has a link to your original thread.
Many thanks, Malouff. Took a bit of looking, but the "phonemes.txt" file was indeed attached to a message in a thread linked to a thread!

I never did spot the use of any kind of "space" in any of that, but sometimes found that the pacing of syllables within words was helped if the time for a vowel was lengthened with the ":" character.
You guys are amazing with stuff that you do with these units. I on the other hand feel real achievement just turning the dang thing on and off. Do your lawn mowers remotely cut your lawns as you watch, sipping a cold one?
You guys are amazing with stuff that you do with these units. I on the other hand feel real achievement just turning the dang thing on and off.
Don't let the nature of our conversations fool you -- there are many days that we feel just the same (especially after TomTom sends out new firmware!)
Think we may be busy here tomorrow with "I just got a TomTom for Father's Day and ....." :D
Heck no, man!

Not at had the very good sense to come here and ask PRIOR to getting the gift.

I wish more were like you.
Heck no, man!

Not at had the very good sense to come here and ask PRIOR to getting the gift.

I wish more were like you.

Lol, thanks for the kind words. I am pretty Tech Savy, but it comes from extensive research and advice... from forums and helpful and willing people like yourself and everyone else on here.

I am new to the GPS realm, so a few questions and confusion at first will be replaced with advice and a helping hand in the future... - Pay it forward -

If you strip the top bit on every character of all of the other *.lex files, you'll find they're all human-readable and editable as well -- although you have to put the 8th bit back when you rewrite the file to the TomTom. ...


How would you that?


How would you that?

Using an editor like CodeWrite makes that easy since it allows for an 8th bit filter. I just wrote a quick program that rewrote the original file into a new file with the 8th bit "unset", and another to send it back the other way.

CodeWrite isn't supported anymore and couldn't get a link to download it but, I got a link to SlickEdit. Too bad it isn't free, I just took the trial version but, NOW I CAN SEE!! LOL!!

Now, I just need to understand the Loquendo Lingo! Not really intuitive these pronunciation!

Thanks again!

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