iPhone car kit swivel broken

Dec 30, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
I recently knocked the iPhone car kit onto the floor and the swivel base fell apart. When I snapped it back in, the swivel is now broken/loose so I can't rotate the iPhone and there's no ratchet clicking sound that there used to be.

Searching the Internet other people having the same problem say that there is a spring missing and to just put it back in, but I can't find mine.

I called TomTom support and they said that they no longer support or sell the iPhone car kit!

How can I get this fixed? If it's just the spring, are there spare parts anywhere that I can buy?
The spring is a very small piece of hardened bent wire, it is specific to the iPhone cradle, if its missing there is little you can do I am afraid - Mike
I just had this exact, same problem!

I pulled the unit to tilt it in the wrong direction, and it seperated in to two pieces. I put it back together, and it span around limply.

A thorough search of the floor revealed a tiny stainless steel cylinder about 1.5/ 2 mm accross and 1 mm deep. It had a groove around the central circumference which fits where the the rivets all the way around are. The cylinder fits in the small gap near the bottom of the housing. Worth getting on all fours to look for.

Good luck!

james_moyse AT hotmail dot com

Can anyone give me more details on the spring. My must have been lost and this makes my car kit unusable.
Can anyone give me more details on the spring. My must have been lost and this makes my car kit unusable.

Hi iTracey,

It's not a spring, more a small cylinder. I mean proper small, tiny! Like a small silver piece of pencil lead. It sits at the base of the unit, among the teeth that you can see all of the way around. If you broke it recently take a look, it will be there!

Good luck!


Thank you so much!! I just found this thread after doing the same thing - went through the floor of my car and found the silver piece!! I then accidentally dropped it on my drive way and spent another 20 minutes and found it again LOL

Followed your steps (was hard to line up the little piece of silver) and got it all back and working

Thanks heaps mate

Good job, Aurz!

Well done with your persistence, especially losing it for the second time! I can imagine your emotional roller-coaster ride.

Logging in to this site just now it occured to me how rarely I sign up to things like this - it usually seems like there's no point when somethig breaks these days.

Having paid £75ish for the TomTom iPhone holder last year though, I wasn't going to give it up without a fight!

I knew that the so called 'coiled spring' certainly was not on the floor of my car, but the tiny wheel that we've grown to love was.

I guess it's too much to ask TomTom to track problems like this for legacy products, but if you're reading this with a limp, spinney iPhoneholder know that there is hope!!

I love this topic! Sums up all that's good about peer support forums. :)

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