Icon Request - Ambulance

Jun 15, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
Hello all,

I would like to request an icon of an ambulance to have as my car avitar. I have a picture of one but am not sure if it will work. If someone could either make one/let me know if this works that'd be great!



  • ambulanceback.jpg
    60.5 KB · Views: 811
That picture will work. You may have to reduce the size if that doesn't happen automatically.
(Should become small enough for the City of Toronto not to complain about copyright.)

For your other post, go to Gogle, enter ambulance symbol, make a screen print of that star. It should be just about the right size.
Thanks!! It keeps saying that I can't use any picture I add as a car symbol though. Any idea why?
That picture won't work very well as it has a white surround round the vehicle.

As for why none of the pictures you try are working.... did you realise that for most TomTom models they need to be in .bmp format (not .jpg) and they need to Bea specific size (80x80 pixels IIRC).

I, m on my way home from work now, but I'll see if I can make both for you later today.
Just a red X in the box here, Andy. Right clicking doesn't have an active 'save as' link.
I'll add my vote to dhn's. Sorry to say, Andy's pictures are the only ones that never display on either my older WinXP using IE8, or on a Win7 using IE10. Thinking it must be an issue with my settings, I have tried many fix attempts through the years, including http://support.microsoft.com/kb/915158 "a red X is displayed" but to no avail.

Andy's excellent icon work deserves to be seen. Hopefully someone can sort it out for us :)
I'm thinking that would not be sorting, but just throwing out the baby with the bath water. :)
I've tried the other brands but just don't feel as "at home."

So, other than changing browsers, any other ideas which might also be a fix?
Thanks Arno & dhn, I finally got the nerve and made a switch. No more issues with the red X, using Google Chrome :)
Arno, to clarify - I made the Chrome change only on my WinXP computer. I am still using IE9 on My Win7 computer. I'm not computer savvy enough to know how that distinction could be picked up on-line?

My goal was to see Andy's icon pics on at least ONE of my computers :)
Looks as if I didn't express myself clearly.
I thought you had meant to put a copy of the avatar Andy made for you in your profile, here in the group so we can see it every time you post.

To do that click User CP all the way at the top of this (any) page.
In the left margin click the line with the word Avatar in it. (Mine says "Edit Avatar" as I already have one.)
Follow the options there. Select Option 2, click Browse, which opens a Windows Explorer window on your computer. Find the Ambulance, click on it and follow instructions.
When you now look at any of your post, all will show the ambulance in addition to your forum name and device info as displayed now.
Now I understand what you were trying to explain but yet it didn't make sense to me. I meant only that I wanted to be able to see the red X pics on my computer - anywhere on my computer - not just as an Avatar. If I decide to use an Avatar, I would likely choose an Alfa Romeo instead of an ambulance . . . :)

Many thanks for the detailed 'how to" explanation. Appreciate it!

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