Icon Request - Subaru Impreza

Feb 24, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
GO 730 2Mb
Hi all from a Newbie.
Can anyone turn this into an Icon for my Go730 - thanks in advance

Mick imageonthefly.autodatadirect.com.jpg
You are welcome, Mick!

There are several programs and techniques to use, but the following are representative of the essentials:

1) Take picture of the car from slightly up and behind.
2) Save the picture in Bitmap format (.bmp)
3) Use 24-bit color
4) Resize the picture to its final size: 80 x 80 pixels
5) "Cut out" the car using Paint Shop Pro (or similar). THIS TAKES A STEADY HAND and for me, it needs to all be done with "one" pass.
6) Create a blank 80 X 80 pixel picture.
7) Copy/paste the cut-out car into the newly created picture, as a "new layer."
8) Use the ‘flood fill’ control to color the area surrounding the car in the new picture, using red (transparency color is 255,0,0) (R=255; G=0; B=0).
(NOTE: Turn off any "feathering" AND/OR "anti-aliasing" in your paint program before filling with red).
9) Save the picture as a .bmp file.

I emphasize that the above method does take a steady hand; sometimes it takes more than one attempt, and is best attempted before the 3rd cup of coffee (smile).

Good luck!
I'm sure I recognise that list of instructions from somewhere :lol:

I'm amazed we haven't made it a "sticky" before now, to encourage people to try making their own icons.

The only thing I'd mention is that in step 5, if you have a tool in your Paint program to make multi-part straight lines, then it is very easy to use that to quickly draw around the car with a RED line (and at 80x80 resolution, it really doesn't matter if you are a bit sloppy!)

Then just use the "Fill" tool to fill the space all around the car with red.

That saves a couple of steps...:)

But as you say, the most important thing to do is to switch off anti-aliasing or feathering, otherwise you get lots of "nearly red" pixels that don't go transparent in the final icon.
Thanks Andy for the hint on above step 5; I've not thought of that technique. Have to try it the next time.

At my age, I'm all in favor of saving a few steps :thumb:

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