Home position wrong?

Dec 18, 2007
South FL
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom XL-335TM; Map 935.5811
When I first setup my new TomTom ONE 3rd edition, I did it from my den while at my computer. This seemed normal to me as I was installing new maps with updates.

However, because of this, when I'm coming home and pull into my driveway, it always says I'm 45 yds away from home or destination (my den is about 40 yds back I guess). It's not a big deal, but I've been impressed with how accurate the TomTom is in getting to my various destinations... as I'm pulling in someone's driveway, it says, "You've arrived at your destination".

I guess what I'd like to know, do I need to correct my home Lat/Lon? If so, how do I do this? I've searched the pdf manual and online but can't find the answer.

Thanks in advance.
do you have this problem...

Hi Rick, do you have this problem; my home is on the south-bound side of a north-south road. It has a physical barrier that divides the N/S lanes. When I plan a route using "navigate to" using my home as the starting point, or us "prepare route" using my home as a starting point, it aways charts a route showing I have to start on the other side of the road, the north bound side. Which I cannot do since there is a barrier in the middle of the road.

Also, in the 3D and 2D view it shows my home location on the north-bound side of the road, which is incorrect. When I do a "find" for my address it shows it correctly as on the south-bound side. When I do the route planning I have 8 satellites showing navigation lock.

The only way I can get my home location to show correctly as being on the south-bound side of the road is switching it to "walking route".

I can't even begin to figure out what keywords to search on for this problem so I've posted it on it's own thread.
When I use current location it says not available and if I use the long/lat numbers it defauls to a road intersection approx 70 yards away. When I put the actual address in it shows it to be 1.2 mi away. Don't believeeTT like saving current location when not on a road. Imy case it is a condo parking lot.
Welcome to the world of tomtom. If you're in a parking lot and mark that spot as a favorite, you cannot navigate back to it as there is no road. If you have a bit long driveway and mark your home as home, you cannot navigate back there. You have to mark the street in front of your home.

as for actual addresses and POI's I find at least 75 percent of them are not where the unit says they are. sometimes close and sometimes a long way off, but rarely right on.
Thanks guys.

Hi Rick, do you have this problem; my home is on the south-bound side of a north-south road.
No, I'm on a 2-lane road.

I guess it's not that big of a deal. When I tap on 'what's my location', it shows the same coordinates from my den as it does from my driveway.

I did change my 'Home' location to an entered address... rather than pressing current location like I think I did from my den when I first set it up. I'll see it that makes any difference.

Gotta tell ya, I'm really liking my new toy. It works great!

Thanks again.
I did change my 'Home' location to an entered address... rather than pressing current location like I think I did from my den when I first set it up. I'll see it that makes any difference.

Well, that didn't make any difference. But I've now fooled my TT by entering an address 2 doors down from me and made it my 'Home' position. Now it says, "You have arrived your destination" when I pull into my driveway. But to be honest, if I need this much help in getting home, I probably shouldn't be driving. :eek:
I have also run into some issues like mentioned above. But what I do is use my common sense and just "disobey" TT's instructions, and it will quickly analyze another route as soon as it notices that I am not doing exactly what it instructed me to do. I use One LE by the way.

Like today, I went to my local KFC. Then I was gonna go stop by a client before heading back home. When I gave it instructions to take me to my client, it told me to make a left on KFC drive thru exit, but that is impossible, since recently they put a cement division on that street, so it would be impossible for me to make a left. So I went right, and TT quickly analyzed a different route for me.
Well, that didn't make any difference. But I've now fooled my TT by entering an address 2 doors down from me and made it my 'Home' position. Now it says, "You have arrived your destination" when I pull into my driveway. But to be honest, if I need this much help in getting home, I probably shouldn't be driving. :eek:

LOL! For me, it seems to say "You have arrived your destination" when I pass the mail box cluster for our townhouses, which is 3 doors from my house. No big deal though.

It also thinks my in-laws live two doors further down the street than they actually do.

The TT1 seems to be more accurate for a street address entered to navigate to a business, but that could just be because they have larger parking lots so it isn't as noticeable if it's "off a little bit".
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Setting Home

It probably works better by using you address. I have that and it's smart enough to know what side of the street i live.
It probably works better by using your address. I have that and it's smart enough to know what side of the street i live.
Well, that's what I tried, but I guess my TT isn't that smart :rolleyes: . With my address entered as 'home', when I pull into my driveway, it says I'm still 45 yds away. That's why I tried entering my neighbor's addy... then my neighbor's addy 2 doors up to get it more accurate. Not sure, but I think this error may be because I live on a circle and on my side of the St. (the outside of the Cir.) the numbers are 8 apart. Across the St. (inside Cir.) they're 14 apart. Maybe TT divides the house numbers (lots?) evenly and that's causing the error.

Like I said, not a big deal, just an observation.

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