Help Go live 1005 Europe noob question

Feb 6, 2011
Hi all,
Forgive my questions if it seems oblivious, but, how do you assign multiple destinations to a 'planned' route? I am a driver for UPS and need to assign my stops in a logical order to use my allotted time to not exceed five minutes per stop.
I have never used a GPS before so be kind... :)

Thanks in advance,
With the TomTom range you need a unit that offers the "Itinerary" function, this lets you add multiple stops to a single trip, BUT it will route you from A to B to C to D etc. It won't perform Route optomisation where the device works out the shortest possible trip via all points.

No TomTom offers Route Optomisation, in fact this is a feature found on very few manufacturers software - Mike
With the TomTom range you need a unit that offers the "Itinerary" function, this lets you add multiple stops to a single trip, BUT it will route you from A to B to C to D etc. It won't perform Route optomisation where the device works out the shortest possible trip via all points

Do you happen to know if my model the Go Live 1005 Europe is equipped to do this?

Thanks for your help....
As of now, the 1005 does NOT have Itinerary Planning functionality.

TT has (sort of) promised that functionality 'sometime in 2011'.
Ok, thanks for the info and for the quick reply. I guess lots of folks are waiting for all the things they have promised.....
As of now, the 1005 does NOT have Itinerary Planning functionality.

TT has (sort of) promised that functionality 'sometime in 2011'.

It certainly doesn't help speed things up when TomTom's top engineer (and a Director) decides to chance things with a start-up company and leaves TT. Considering he'd been with the company for nearly 8 years, I suspect there's more to the story. How the departure affects the redesign of Tomtom's interface remains to be seen.
It certainly doesn't help speed things up when TomTom's top engineer (and a Director) decides to chance things with a start-up company and leaves TT. Considering he'd been with the company for nearly 8 years, I suspect there's more to the story. How the departure affects the redesign of Tomtom's interface remains to be seen.

I'm wondering if he's been pushed out due to a clear inability of Tomtom to deliver on it's strategy in a timely manner. Tomtom showed it's cards by announcing it's strategy and demoing its models in April 2009, and allowed all the competition to catch up with the delays.

If I were CEO, I'd demand that someone's head has to roll for these delays, it's inexcusable.
Possible. He's the same engineer that headed up the GO series development, which was hugely successful.
I'm wondering if he's been pushed out due to a clear inability of Tomtom to deliver on it's strategy in a timely manner.
Could also have worked the other way. I can certainly picture myself leaving in frustration when being faced with unachievable schedules and a company that insists on shipping things in a half-baked state even when it's not possible to meet those schedules.

As you say, this guy spearheaded some of their best designs. He obviously was able to deliver at one point in his career.

Without knowing whether Engineering over-promised or the product management team over-committed, it's impossible to know what really happened. I'm just glad I wasn't in the middle of it. The 1XXX/2XXX launch has been pretty much a train wreck from a deliverables standpoint. I'd agree that the CEO needs to account for that. But sometimes there's bias built into the assessment on these things. Could be a tough place to work for a while.
It certainly doesn't help speed things up when TomTom's top engineer (and a Director) decides to chance things with a start-up company and leaves TT.
As far as I know his job at TomTom was hardware only.

Didn't he handle hardware and software on the GO series? You're closer to the situation and could be right about hardware only on the most recent models, which seems as tho it would quickly become boringly repetitious anymore. That by itself might explain the change of scenery.
You're closer to the situation and could be right about hardware only on the most recent models....
Nope. He was one of the top hardware guys for the very first GO and although I'm not absolutely sure about that I think he stayed with hardware only all the time.


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