Go5200 - POI .ov2 file imported not showing places


Feb 27, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)

I have created a Google My Map for a holiday and am now trying to import this onto my TomTom Go 5200. However, I get an issue whereby the .ov2 file shows in my list of POI files and on my TT device, but none of the places show up.

I followed this same process in October 2023 and it was successful. I can't figure out what has changed.


1. Exported the map layer from Google maps as a KML file
2. Converted from .kml to .ov2 using online tool
3. Imported .ov2 file to my 'POI files' (https://plan.tomtom.com/en/my-items)
4. POI files and TT device show the .ov2 file but no places show up. The error on the TT says 'No POIs found'.

I have also tried exporting the map as a CSV and then converting this to .ov2 but doesn't work either.

Please help!
Unclear about what is meant by "show up".

If the POI category (or categories) are shown in the list of My Places, and just not showing up on the map, then:

Show POI lists on map
Pick the ones you want, up to 5 of them

If, on the other hand, you select one of the POI categories from My Places and no list of POI locations shows up from within the category, that would seem to indicate a problem with the POI list, in which case, please zip one up for us to look at here.

What "online tool"? One user here using a 3rd party tool actually had a 0 byte *.ov2 file. Stuff happens...
We often use TYRE here, though we also use GSAK here as well. There are a lot of good tools that actually work.

www.tyre2navigate.com (you can switch the page to English in the upper right corner). Does *.kml to *.ov2 (amongst a wealth of other conversions) very nicely.
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Same thing is happening to me. I have a TomTom Go Superior and I'm also following the same steps as MBL.

1. Exported the map layer from Google maps as a KML file
2. Converted from .kml to .ov2. I've tried some online tools and also tyre, and I'm getting this ov2 file with data inside
3. Imported .ov2 file to my 'POI files' (https://plan.tomtom.com/en/my-items)
4. POI files and TT device show the .ov2 file but no places show up on the map. TomTom is connected and logged with the same user, and nothing is sync and nothing new appears into my items

Same thing is happening to me. I have a TomTom Go Superior and I'm also following the same steps as MBL.

1. Exported the map layer from Google maps as a KML file
2. Converted from .kml to .ov2. I've tried some online tools and also tyre, and I'm getting this ov2 file with data inside
3. Imported .ov2 file to my 'POI files' (https://plan.tomtom.com/en/my-items)
4. POI files and TT device show the .ov2 file but no places show up on the map. TomTom is connected and logged with the same user, and nothing is sync and nothing new appears into my items

It's completely normal that you don't see your POI files.

On GO Superior it is currently not possible to import personal POIs.

Same thing is happening to me. I have a TomTom Go Superior and I'm also following the same steps as MBL.

1. Exported the map layer from Google maps as a KML file
2. Converted from .kml to .ov2. I've tried some online tools and also tyre, and I'm getting this ov2 file with data inside
3. Imported .ov2 file to my 'POI files' (https://plan.tomtom.com/en/my-items)
4. POI files and TT device show the .ov2 file but no places show up on the map. TomTom is connected and logged with the same user, and nothing is sync and nothing new appears into my items
If you need POI support, you need an older (previous generation) model. Our list below shows these "Nav4" devices, the previous generation. Note that the "Superior" is not included as it is too recent. Don't ask us why TomTom took the boneheaded step of not including this functionality in the current generation of devices. It's not like they were unaware of the need.

If you can find one of these Nav4 devices used, it should solve the POI problem if it's critical for you. These support up to 5 concurrent custom POI categories on screen:

Devices with serial numbers starting with: EH, EI, EJ, EK, EL, EM, EN, EO, EP, EQ, ER, ES, ET, EU, G7, KA, KC, KD, KE, KF, KG, QE, QF, QI, QJ, QL, QM, QN, QQ, QR, QS, QT, QU, QV, QW, QX, VA, VB, VC, VD, VE, VF, VG, VH, VI, VJ, VK, VL, VM, VN, VP, VR, VT, VV, VX, VY, VZ, X5, X6, X7, X8, XQ, XR, XS, XT, XV, Z4, Z6, Z8, ZA, ZB, ZC, ZD, ZE, ZF, ZL, ZM, ZN, ZO, ZP, ZQ, ZR, ZS, ZT

GO Series - Premium / Supreme/ WIFI / GO x0 / GO xx0 / GO xx00 / Professional / Trucker (Truck, Bus, Van), GO Camper (Camper, Caravan)

It is for precisely this reason that in the event that I use a consumer grade TomTom for navigation, I still use my trusty old GO 620 (would be the GO xx0 series, above).

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