Go 520 hardware upgrade

Apr 14, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/au.png" alt="Australia" /> Australia
TomTom Model(s)
Go 520
I have just been contacted by TomTom to say my Go 520 (which had been in a drawer for a while) is not compatible with current map formats and should be upgraded. There is also a link button to a 35% off "buy now", free shipping.
Unfortunately it does not work and sends me to a 404 not found page in TomTom.
I can't seem to see any hardware on the site that could be used?

I am in Australia but was going to use the maps on my next trip to Europe/UK in June.
I am not impressed with my wife's NAVMAN and already have 520 Europe maps, just not updated.
I'm guessing that this is one of the old GO 520 units (ca. 2007, serial starting with M2 or M4 (512K and 1024K memory, respectively), not one of the newer ones from just a couple of years ago (serial starting with ZF or ZN)? All the pleading in the world couldn't stop them from reusing the model number!

If it's the M2 or M4, then there won't be new maps available to you for that device.
As for the broken link, the bad news is that Aus/NZ is one of the markets where TomTom has ceased selling their nav devices, along with all of North America, among others. Europe is about all that's left.

That said, your market still has some TomTom units available for sale. See here for one of my favorites of what remains in stock out your way:

Included are world maps, from which you can select whatever bits are relevant to you.

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