Doesn't show stops in route preview

Mar 31, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Rider 550
Hi. I've planned my route in MyDrive. When the route transfers to my device it does not display the stops I have planned. As an example I've planned a route to Hull (110 miles). The route transfers to my device off my PC, but it just displays the route without showing any of the stops I've planned. It doesn't show the stops on the route bar either, even though I've selected the 'Show stops' in the route bar settings menu. Any ideas folks? please?
Thanks for that. I can't see a 'send stops' option anywhere in MyDrive.
That's brilliant, thank you. I've noticed a couple of things....1. by 'sending stops' I override the route in the device. In other words the device plans its own route, navigating by the 'stops' and deviates from the original route I had planned even though the route is supposed to be syncd to MyDrive. Presumably it provides a better route. ......and 2. The device makes no distinction between 'stops' and the white dot planning markers I had originally used to specify the route. This is a bit annoying as I want to actually stop at the 'stops' and ignore the white dots which are just there to make sure I travel my preferred route. Am I missing something (grey cells?!) or is that just the way it is? many thanks for your help.
One way to mark stops that you actually want to stop at is to add them to "My Places" and they will show up as a Star.
Thanks for that, and all your help. I think I've got my head round it now, but not very intuitive is it?! I haven't used my Rider550 much as yet. I liked my old 2013 and, to be honest, I'd prefer to keep using it except that TomTom don't update it any more.
There are other route planning software options, they all have good and bad points. It's a shame someone doesn't put all the good features in one package. MRA (My Route App) comes close.

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