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Nov 13, 2013
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/ca.png" alt="Canada" /> Canada
TomTom Model(s)
Start 25 & 50
Helping my Father In Law update his 25 on his Win 7 Pro Laptop.

We are getting the wifi disable issue, I don't think I'll fight it despite trying the solutions I've come across, just go get a network cable while I'm here and do it that way for him.

But I'm just wondering, I found how to install the files manually, but never found out where to download them directly and onto the laptop itself.

Thank you!
If that model uses Home, then you download files to the device using Home. Get it at
If that model uses Home, then you download files to the device using Home. Get it at
It does, but connecting my device is the only when to un-grey my available updates, but then knocks me off WiFi.
OK. Gotta back up a little here.

I don't know of any '25' model (including the Start 25) that uses Home. In fact, this sounds like a "Prato" level product since it evidently uses WiFi and cabled internet access.

To the OP: Can you provide us with the first two digits of the serial number of that device so we can be sure what we're dealing with here?
OK so I took it home, where I know things work. Bit of a fight but I have this Start 25 all updated now. I'll have to talk to Shaw about getting no internet access when I hard-wired in, seems to be an unrelated issue. It was a BL by the way. I was trying to directly download the files without the device attached vi WIFi and then manually install them. But I just took it back to Calgary with me and got it working on my desktop.
Glad you have it sorted via hardwired connection.
Does your Father In Law's Win 7 Pro Laptop have built-in WiFi?
Did you make sure that the 25 was connected with it.
The same applies to your PC when you are at home.
On danger of saying the obvious, did you check at Menu > Settings > WiFi?
canderson said:
Can you provide us with the first two digits of the serial number of that device
You should be able to find that at Menu > Systems [or (?)] > About.

Usually, on a WiFi enabled device, when updates are available, there will be a notification at the bottom of the screen and at Settings > Updates & New Items there will be a red exclamation mark.
The Start 25 doesn't include WiFi updates. That's a second wave (Prato) Nav4 feature, and the Start 25 is a Nav3.

I think the problem being reported is that the PC is being kicked off WiFi during the update.
I don't know the Start 25 and I am getting to understand that the feed to the PC is via WiFi but the device is plugged in via USB cable.

If this is the case wouldn't this rather be PC problem rather than a TomTom problem?

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