Deleting an old device from TomTom Connect

Dec 3, 2007
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
GO 2505M, Go 520
I recently returned my new GO 52 (VIA 53,) and replaced it with a GO 520 which looks like it's step in the right direction. The problem now is that I have both units in my TomTom Connect account. I've spent much time going through menus, forums, questions, etc. and cannot find any information on how to delete the returned unit. I even checked the questions section of this forum and only found how to change the email and log in information. Really would like to know why they have to make this sort of thing so difficult! Thanks for any help.
Are you asking how to remove the 52 from showing as a device in MyDriveConnect?
MyDrive Connect should only 'operate' with the unit currently plugged in, regardless of whatever other devices it has known in the past. Are you referring to the login name in the upper right? If so, hit "Log out" and log in again with the account you have set up for the 520 (vs. the 52). When you start to type an email address, MyDrive connect may well show previous login possibilities depending upon your browser's 'auto fill' capability. That would have to be addressed in your browser.

Truth to tell, with your 520, you don't necessarily need to be using MyDrive Connect to update your device. In fact, when you plug in your 520, MyDrive Connect should advise you regarding WiFi use.

The 520 can be updated in two ways. First, you can connect it to a home or other WiFi source and download any updates that way.
The second method: IF MyDrive Connect is running in your PC and you connect your device, and although you will not use the MyDrive user interface at all, MyDrive completes the hardwired connection between your device and the PC as a TCP/IP connection to the servers at TomTom.
Thanks for the replies. I'm using the same account for the GO 520 that I set up for the GO 52, figuring I'd just delete the GO 52 after setting up the GO 520. I did update the new GO 520 with wifi but I can use TomTom Connect to send it trip routing as well as from the app on my phone. Now though when I check my devices in Connect it shows both units and I would like to delete the GO 52 from the account. I have my GO 2505 in a different account so it does not show up with the new units.
Thanks again for the replies. Arno's comment seems to be the only way to go since I don't have the GO 52 anymore. Still don't understand why they have to make such a seemingly simple task so difficult.
Since map updates are tied in to a device and its registered eMail address we usually recommend to to uae a new, fake address for the new device. It is OK to keep the same password.
You registered the GO 52 and the server, without input has no idea the you returned it.
Customer Service is usually quite helpful if treated with respect so, don't worry, one simple phone call should do it.

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