Cannot install purchased map - TomTom is the most maddening company ever!

Dec 25, 2008
OK here's the deal -
Purchased Navigator 6, and installed some maps onto my Ipaq. I was living in the US when this happened.
Ipaq died, and I bought an HTC TyTn II. I had moved to Scotland when this happened. I tried to install maps onto the TyTn II, but since my old e-mail address was associated with the Ipaq I had to use my wife's address with the TyTn II.
I moved back to the US, and went on a trip to Austria. While I was there I decided to buy a Western Europe map. The US site was down and so I had to use a friends' e-mail address to buy the map and pay him cash, since the GB and Austrian sites would only accept British or EU credit cards!
Now I just bought an Australia map. I could not use my wife's logon credentials to buy the map in TomTom Home because, when I got to the point where the site redirected me to a secure site to buy the map, the URL was down (this also happened when I tried to buy the Western Europe map, and why I was forced to buy it in Europe). I went to the TomTom site and logged in under my original (Ipaq) credentials and bought the map. Now when I try and log in to TomTom Home to install it, I cannot install the map because that login is not associated with the device!
Any suggestions on how to install the map I just bought?
I suspect a call to Support at 866-486-6866 may be the best approach in order not to get things screwed up.
Well, there is snow on the ground. A heavy rain last night washed some away (and turned some roads into skating rinks today :eek: ). The forecast for Saturday is rain and 11 celsius = 55 farenheit! (and baclk to 0 C or 32F on Sunday).
TomTom Support United Kingdom

The telephone number this week is +44 845 161 0009 and you have to tolerate standard recorded message that you are in a queue of five others, Mike and Richard are helpful

OK here's the deal -
Purchased Navigator 6, and installed some maps onto my Ipaq. I was living in the US when this happened.
Ipaq died, and I bought an HTC TyTn II. I had moved to Scotland when this happened. I tried to install maps onto the TyTn II, but since my old e-mail address was associated with the Ipaq I had to use my wife's address with the TyTn II.
I moved back to the US, and went on a trip to Austria. While I was there I decided to buy a Western Europe map. The US site was down and so I had to use a friends' e-mail address to buy the map and pay him cash, since the GB and Austrian sites would only accept British or EU credit cards!
Now I just bought an Australia map. I could not use my wife's logon credentials to buy the map in TomTom Home because, when I got to the point where the site redirected me to a secure site to buy the map, the URL was down (this also happened when I tried to buy the Western Europe map, and why I was forced to buy it in Europe). I went to the TomTom site and logged in under my original (Ipaq) credentials and bought the map. Now when I try and log in to TomTom Home to install it, I cannot install the map because that login is not associated with the device!
Any suggestions on how to install the map I just bought?

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